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Friday, June 14, 2019

張碧晨 Diamond Zhang - 聽雪 Listen To The Snow

這一別 涼風寄來離歌
This cool breeze sends away the song
昨日過往成說 聽不得
Yesterday in the past reign cannot hear
無人陌 花香熄了燈火
No one's strangers put out the lights
回憶手裡握著 流成河
Memories in the hands of the stream into the river

梨花飄落 這年又添一色
Pear blossoms fall this year and add color
如你素衣斑駁 淚無轍
If you have a coat of tears, you have no rut
千言萬語 字字不離不捨
You can't leave a word of words
轉身 又能 對誰說
Turn around and say to whom

Seeing the snow not into the merciless years
卻等來 你一句勿忘的留言
And I'm waiting for a message you don't forget
舊夢還春 為何如曇花一現
Why does old dream still spring like a flash in the pan
良辰折減 剩殘雪
A reduction of leftover snow

泯恩怨 怎用離人紀念
How do you remember to leave a grudge?
三分冷七分烈 到哪天
Three minutes cold, seven points, to what day?
弦斷之年 借花期盼皎潔
The year of the string break the flowers look forward to the bright
我聽的雪 正冬眠
The snow I'm listening to is hibernating

Always envy the world a few deep dust
我等待 這紅塵有你的流年
I wait for this red dust to have your flow
夢散之前 讓我記下你的臉
Let me write down your face before the dream dissipates
往昔留言 過雲煙
I left a message in the past

Seeing the snow not into the merciless years
卻等來 你一句勿忘的留言
And I'm waiting for a message you don't forget
舊夢還春 為何如曇花一現
Why does old dream still spring like a flash in the pan
良辰折減 剩殘雪
A reduction of leftover snow
聞花思雪 又一年
Smell flowers miss Snow and another year