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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

隔壁老樊 Ge Bi Lao Fan - 我曾 I Once

I've been blown through my chest by countless cold winds
I've been forced by distant dreams to look up at the stars
我曾被無數的嘲諷 讓我放棄我的音樂夢
I've been taunted by countless taunts that have made me give up my musical dreams
我曾被無數的黃土 淹沒我的澎湃洶涌
I have been inundated with innumerable loess, and my surging

我曾想要我的歌聲 無盡沉淪的感動
I had wanted my song to be moved by the endless sinking
I used to think of them as the rainbow after my storm
我曾把墮落的原因 都丟給時間
I've lost all the reasons for depravity to time
我曾把機會 就扔在我眼前
I used to throw my chance right in front of my eyes
我曾把完整的鏡子打碎 夜晚的枕頭都是眼淚
I used to break the whole mirror, the pillows of the night were tears
我多想讓過去重來 再給我一次機會
How I want to make the past come back and give me another chance
我想說過去的時間 我誰都不為
I want to say that I didn't do anything for the past
除了空談 也就是 事事非非
In addition to rhetoric, everything is empty

我曾想要我的歌聲 無盡沉淪的感動
I had wanted my song to be moved by the endless sinking
I used to think of them as the rainbow after my storm
我曾把墮落的原因 都丟給時間
I've lost all the reasons for depravity to time
我曾把機會 就扔在我眼前
I used to throw my chance right in front of my eyes

我曾把完整的鏡子打碎 夜晚的枕頭都是眼淚
I used to break the whole mirror, the pillows of the night were tears
我多想讓過去重來 再給我一次機會
How I want to make the past come back and give me another chance
我想說過去的時間 我誰都不為
I want to say that I didn't do anything for the past
除了空談 也就是 事事非非
In addition to rhetoric, everything is empty

我曾把完整的鏡子打碎 夜晚的枕頭都是眼淚
I used to break the whole mirror, the pillows of the night were tears
我多想讓過去重來 再給我一次機會
How I want to make the past come back and give me another chance
我想說過去的時間 我誰都不為
I want to say that I didn't do anything for the past
除了空談 也就是 事事非非
In addition to rhetoric, everything is empty
除了空談 也就是 事事非非
In addition to rhetoric, everything is empty