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Thursday, June 20, 2019

季彥霖 Ji Yan Lin - 多想愛你 Want To Love You

感情都藏在心裡 落入眼底成迷
Feelings are hidden in the heart, falling under the eyes to become a mystery
防備的心情 說不出誰真心
Defensive mood, can't say who's sincere
不敢面對自己面對你 只能選擇逃避
Don't dare face yourself face you can only choose to escape
Just leave my sorrow to me

你像夜空的繁星 黑暗中的光明
You're like the stars of the night sky, the light in the dark
Light up my dark, desperate heart
多少次我都在我夢裡 緊緊的抱著你
How many times have I held you tight in my dreams
Reality but too much distance

我多想好好愛你 愛你勝過我自己
How I want to love you more than myself
讓溫軟和甜蜜 彌補過去痛苦記憶
Let the softness and sweetness make up for the painful memories of the past
我多想我可以 給你快樂歡喜
How I wish I could give you joy.
卻無法面對你 單純的美麗
But I can't face you, just beauty

我多想好好愛你 愛你到忘了自己
How I want to love you, love you to forget yourself
I know people like me don't deserve your stake
也許命中註定 他比我適合你
Maybe it's destined that he's better for you than I am
原諒那聲愛你 我藏在心裡
Forgive that love you And I'm hiding in my heart
How I want to love you

每個夜晚我想你 想到無法呼吸
Every night I think you can't breathe
我以為自己 不再相信愛情
I thought I didn't believe in love anymore
總是欺騙世界欺騙你 可欺騙不了自己
Always deceive the world to deceive you, you can't deceive yourself
I fell into your gentle trap again

我多想好好愛你 愛你勝過我自己
How I want to love you more than myself
讓溫軟和甜蜜 彌補過去痛苦記憶
Let the softness and sweetness make up for the painful memories of the past
我多想我可以 給你快樂歡喜
How I wish I could give you joy.
卻無法面對你 單純的美麗
But I can't face you, just beauty

我多想好好愛你 愛你到忘了自己
How I want to love you, love you to forget yourself
I know people like me don't deserve your stake
也許命中註定 他比我適合你
Maybe it's destined that he's better for you than I am
原諒那聲愛你 我藏在心裡
Forgive that love you And I'm hiding in my heart
How I want to love you

我多想好好愛你 愛你到忘了自己
How I want to love you, love you to forget yourself
I know people like me don't deserve your stake
也許命中註定 他比我適合你
Maybe it's destined that he's better for you than I am
原諒那聲愛你 我藏在心裡
Forgive that love you And I'm hiding in my heart
How I want to love you

感情都藏在心裡 落入眼底成迷
Feelings are hidden in the heart, falling under the eyes to become a mystery
防備的心情 說不出誰真心
Defensive mood, can't say who's sincere
不敢面對自己面對你 只能選擇逃避
Don't dare face yourself face you can only choose to escape
Just leave my sorrow to me
How I want to love you