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Friday, June 14, 2019

劉力揚 Jeno Liu - 禮物 Gift

終於可以在今天劃上句點    一整夜 翻閱過去畫面
I can finally draw a mark on today and scroll through the past all night
快想不起我們為何會訣別    只看到那雙你送的鞋
I can't remember why we farewell, we only saw those shoes you gave me

走一步又一步 我才發現繞了個圈
Step after step, I found a circle.
走了好幾年 又回到原點
After years of walking, back to square

你送的禮物 會不會太特別
Wouldn't the gift you gave me be too special?
毫不避諱 那不安的傳言
Unabashed rumors of uneasiness
但漸行漸遠 習慣到沒感覺
But drifting away, getting used to not feeling
Do you want me to go far?

你送的禮物 在此刻好體貼
The gift you gave me is so considerate at the moment
陪我回憶 把過往走一遍
Accompany me to remember to walk the past again
穿了這些年 難免會有汙點
After all these years, there will inevitably be stains
就像每段愛 總會有終點
It's like every love always has an end

世上最殘酷的 恐怕是時間   困住人  一切卻還向前
The cruelest thing in the world is probably time to trap people, but it's still moving forward
乾涸的眼再擠不出一點鹹    愛到如此可悲的境界
The dry eyes can't squeeze a little salty love into such a pathetic realm

走一步又一步 卻跟不上你的腳步
Take one step at a step, but you can't keep up with your footsteps.
你滿意了 為什麼我卻只想要哭
You're satisfied, why do I just want to cry?

你送的禮物 會不會太特別
Wouldn't the gift you gave me be too special?
毫不避諱 那不安的傳言
Unabashed rumors of uneasiness
但漸行漸遠 習慣到沒感覺
But drifting away, getting used to not feeling
Do you want me to go far?

你送的禮物 在此刻好體貼
The gift you gave me is so considerate at the moment
陪我回憶 把過往走一遍
Accompany me to remember to walk the past again
穿了這些年 難免會有汙點
After all these years, there will inevitably be stains
就像每段愛 總會有終點
It's like every love always has an end

你說做自己吧 我們都做回自己 ~
You say be yourself, we're all going to be ourselves
Don't be wronged for love again

你送的禮物 原來是一場劫
The gift you gave turned out to be a robbery.
終於分別 宿命一樣準確
At last, it's as accurate as fate
可笑到想要 你賠給我時間
Funny to want you to pay me time
Love is sometimes pitifully cheap

光著腳我一路奔跑 鮮血淚水一路狂飆
Barefoot, I run all the way, blood, tears, all the way.
收起我的驕傲 承認曾經備受煎熬
Take away my pride and admit that I was tormented
鞋上那記號 只有你能明瞭
The mark on the shoe is only clear to you.
過了這一夜 我就全忘掉
After this night, I'll forget it all