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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Ice Paper - 心如止水Talking To The Moon

Talking to the moon 放不下的理由
Talking to the moon, the reason for not letting go
是不是會擔心 變成一只野獸
Are you worried about becoming a beast?
Walking on the roof 為心跳的節奏
Walking on the roof for the rhythm of the heartbeat
是不是會暫停 在世界的盡頭
Is it going to pause at the end of the world?

Soak in a 10-liter bottle
單純想要呼吸 討厭雲裏霧裏
Just want to breathe, hate the clouds
Haunted in forgotten drawers
你曾經的手筆 寫著心口不一
The handwriting you used to write disjointed

It's the night, the day, I'm casual.
Like a lost swan swimming out of the water
Try to catch the debris in the nightmare
I don't need your song to hypnotize me

Talking to the moon 放不下的理由
Talking to the moon, the reason for not letting go
是不是會擔心 變成一只野獸
Are you worried about becoming a beast?
Walking on the roof 為心跳的節奏
Walking on the roof for the rhythm of the heartbeat
是不是會暫停 在世界的盡頭
Is it going to pause at the end of the world?

說不完的話 找不完的借口
An excuse that can't be finished if you can't finish
是不是會狠心 把我驕傲解剖
Wouldn't it be cruel to dissect me?
愛著誰的她 能否將你接受
Who you love, can she take you?
是不是會上癮 拜托慢些降落
Is it addictive, please, slow down?

華麗的紅房間 發黴的舊唱片
Gorgeous Red Room, moldy old records
沒必要聽個遍 掉了漆的播放鍵
There's no need to listen to the paint playback keys.
你情願冒著險 睡在他的身邊
You'd rather risk sleeping by his side
沒耐心去分辨 誰和誰能夠走多遠
Don't have the patience to tell who and who can go far.

You can find the key through a few streets
There's no doubt about unraveling my problem.
Did you turn a few corners or go back to square?
How do I show up in front of you?

Talking to the moon 放不下的理由
Talking to the moon, the reason for not letting go
是不是會擔心 變成一只野獸
Are you worried about becoming a beast?
Walking on the roof 為心跳的節奏
Walking on the roof for the rhythm of the heartbeat
是不是會暫停 在世界的盡頭
Is it going to pause at the end of the world?

說不完的話 找不完的借口
An excuse that can't be finished if you can't finish.
是不是會狠心 把我驕傲解剖
Wouldn't it be cruel to dissect me?
愛著誰的她 能否將你接受
Who you love, can she take you?
是不是會上癮 拜托慢些降落
Is it addictive, please, slow down?

Talking to the moon 放不下的理由
Talking to the moon, the reason for not being able to put
是不是會擔心 變成一只野獸
Are you worried about becoming a beast?
Walking on the roof 為心跳的節奏
Walking on the roof for the rhythm of the heartbeat
是不是會暫停 在世界的盡頭
Is it going to pause at the end of the world?

說不完的話 找不完的借口
An excuse that can't be finished if you can't finish
是不是會狠心 把我驕傲解剖
Wouldn't it be cruel to dissect me?
愛著誰的她 能否將你接受
Who you love, can she take you?
是不是會上癮 拜托慢些降落
Is it addictive, please, slow down?