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Sunday, May 26, 2019

郁可唯 Yisa Yu - 时间煮雨 Time Boils The Rain

風吹雨成花 時間追不上白馬
The wind blows into the rain, the time can't catch up with the white horse
你年少掌心的夢話 依然緊握著嗎
Are you still sitting in your palms?

雲翻湧成夏 眼淚被歲月蒸發
Clouds rush into summer, tears are evaporated by the years
這條路上的你我她 有誰迷路了嗎
Who are you and me on this road?

我們說好不分離 要一直一直在一起
We say that we don’t separate, we have to stay together all the time.
就算與時間為敵 就算與全世界背離
Even if it is against the time, even if it deviates from the world

風吹亮雪花 吹白我們的頭髮
Wind blows snowflakes, blows our hair
當初說一起闖天下 你們還記得嗎
I said that I still remember the world together. Do you still remember?

那一年盛夏 心願許的無限大
The infancy of the summer of that year
我們手拉手也成舟 劃過悲傷河流
We are hand in hand and boating.

你曾說過不分離 要一直一直在一起
You said that you don’t separate, you have to be together all the time.
現在我想問問你 是否只是童言無忌
Now I want to ask if you are just a child’s words.

天真歲月不忍欺 青春荒唐我不負你
Innocent years can't bear to bully, youth is ridiculous, I don't want you
大雪求你別抹去 我們在一起的痕跡
Snow asks you not to erase the traces of our together
大雪也無法抹去 我們給彼此的印記
Snow can't erase our mark on each other

今夕何夕 青草離離
On the eve of the evening, the grass is separated
Sending a thousand miles to the moonlight night
等來年 秋風起
Waiting for the coming year