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Friday, May 24, 2019

李榮浩 Ronghao Li - 不將就 Stubborn Love

那時候 我以為愛的是生活
That's when I thought love was life
也算懂得 什麼適合 什麼不可
I know what's right for what?
最近還是一樣 努力著 配合你的性格
I've been trying to match your character lately
你的追求者 你的坎坷 我開的車
Your suitor, your bumps, the car I drive

算一算 虛度了多少個年頭
Calculate how many years you've wasted
彷彿足夠 寫一套錯愛的春秋
Seems to be enough to write a set of wrong love spring and autumn
如果以後 你還想為誰 浪費美好時候
If you ever want to waste a good time for someone else
眼淚只能在我的胸膛 毫無保留
Tears can only be left in my chest without reservation

互相折磨到白頭 悲傷堅決不放手
Torturing each other to the white head, grieving, resolutely not letting go.
開始糾纏之後 才又被人放大了自由
It was only after it began to entangle that it was magnified by freedom

你的暴烈太溫柔 感情又痛又享受
Your violent, too gentle, emotional, painful and enjoyable
如果我說 不吻你不罷休
If I say don't kiss you, don't stop
Who's going to force me to

你問我 為什麼頑固而專一
You asked me why I was stubborn and single-minded
天下太大 總有人比你更合適
There are always people who are more suitable than you
其實我覺得這樣不值 可沒選擇方式
Actually, I don't think it's worth the choice
你一出場 別人都顯得不過如此
Everyone seems to be the same when you play

互相折磨到白頭 悲傷堅決不放手
Torturing each other to the white head, grieving, resolutely not letting go
開始糾纏之後 才又被人放大了自由
It was only after it began to entangle that it was magnified by freedom

你的暴烈太溫柔 感情又痛又享受
Your violent, too gentle, emotional, painful and enjoyable.
如果我說 不吻你不罷休
If I say don't kiss you, don't stop.
Who's going to force me to

互相折磨到白頭 悲傷堅決不放手
Torturing each other to the white head, grieving, resolutely not letting go
開始糾纏之後 才又被人放大了自由
It was only after it began to entangle that it was magnified by freedom

你的暴烈太溫柔 感情又痛又享受
Your violent, too gentle, emotional, painful and enjoyable
如果我說 不吻你不罷休
If I say don't kiss you, don't stop
Who's going to force me to

They will, however