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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

蔡健雅 Tanya Chua - 陌生人Stranger

一朵雲能載多少思念的寄託 再忽然相遇街頭
A cloud can carry how many thoughts of the sustenance and suddenly meet the streets
當我們擦身而過 那短短一秒鐘 都明白 什麼都變了
When we pass by, it's just a second to see that everything has changed
一轉身誰能把感慨拋在腦後 在事過境遷以後
Who can turn his feelings behind his mind when he turns around
這段情就算曾經 刻骨且銘心過 過去了 又改變什麼
Even if this is a bitter and memorable past, what changed again
地球它又 公轉幾週了
Earth, it's been orbiting for weeks
我不難過了 甚至真心希望你能幸福 當我了解你只活在記憶裡頭
I'm not sad, and I really want you to be happy when I know you're only living in a memory
我不恨你了 甚至原諒你的殘忍理由 當我了解不愛了 連回憶都是負荷
I don't hate you, even forgive your cruel reasons. When I know I don't love, even memories are loads

一轉身誰能把感慨拋在腦後 在事過境遷以後
Who can turn his feelings behind his mind when he turns around
這段情就算曾經 刻骨且銘心過 過去了 又改變什麼
Even if this is a bitter and memorable past, what changed again
濃情愛戀 都已陌生了
Love is always strange
我不難過了 甚至真心希望你能幸福 當我了解你只活在記憶裡頭
I'm not sad, and I really want you to be happy when I know you're only living in a memory
我不恨你了 甚至原諒你的殘忍理由 當我了解不愛了 連回憶都是負荷
I don't hate you, even forgive your cruel reasons. When I know I don't love, even memories are loads

我不難過了 甚至真心希望你能幸福 當我了解你只活在記憶裡頭
I'm not sad, and I really want you to be happy when I know you're only living in a memory
我不恨你了 甚至感謝這樣不期而遇 當我從你眼中發現我已是 陌生人了
I don't hate you, and I even thank you for the unexpected encounter when I found out in your eyes that I was a stranger
我已是 陌生人了
I'm already a stranger