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Saturday, May 25, 2019

王詩安 Diana Wang - 愛存在 Love Still Exists

你送我的圍巾和毛衣 已經換季該收到哪裡
The scarf and sweater you gave me, the seasons have changed where should I put them?
熟悉的默契 已過期 愛換季 你離去 收不完的曾經
The familiar understanding has already expired, love changed seasons, you left, the past a lot to talk about, not enough time
是誰說了會好好珍惜 一起收折的許多場景
Who said he would cherish with his heart, lots of scenes we collected together
有我就有你 所有回憶 該怎樣才能繼續 那些約定
With me, I have all your memories, how do we make it continue, make it last all those promises

你的愛 綁架了我的未來飛向大海
Your love kidnapped my future and flew to the sea
我的愛 擱淺在沙灘靜靜等你回來
My love is stranded on the beach, waiting for you to come back.
過去多好多壞 沒有人能重來
It doesn't matter how good or bad the past is, nobody can live twice
All that's left is to go through it every day and be really okay

你的愛 風一樣享受自由迫不及待
Your love, like the wind can't wait to enjoy the freedom
我的愛 像風箏緊拉著線原地感慨
My love is like a kite holding on tight to the string,  staying in the same place 
就算星辰幽暗 我仍願意相信 愛存在
Even if the sky is dark, I still want to believe that love still exists

有一天 我發現這些年美好的畫面
One day I found a beautiful picture of these years
就像是 馬卡龍鮮豔香又甜
It's like macarons, bright and sweet.
從來都不曾改變 這一切
Those things have never changed, all this
細數著 手機裡合照的每一次紀念
Counting every picture of us in my cell phone, souvenirs 
一遍又一遍 愛情離得多遠 眼淚就有多鹹
Once and again, how much distance from love, that's how salty the tears are

(你的愛) 綁架了我的未來飛向大海
(Your Love) kidnapped my future and flew to the sea
(我的愛) 擱淺在沙灘靜靜等你回來
(My Love) stranded on the beach quietly waiting for you to come back
過去多好多壞 沒有人能重來
It doesn't matter how good or bad the past is, nobody can live twice
All that's left is to go through it every day and be really okay

你的愛 風一樣享受自由迫不及待
Your love, like the wind can't wait to enjoy the freedom
我的愛 像風箏緊拉著線原地感慨
My love is like a kite holding on tight to the string,  staying in the same place 
就算星辰幽暗 我仍願意相信 愛存在
Even if the sky is dark, I still want to believe that love still exists