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Monday, May 6, 2019

蕭敬騰 Jam Hsiao - 讓我為你唱情歌 A Love Song For You

印象中妳帽子遮臉  在教室裡面  不發一語過每一天
Impressions of your hat covering your face in the classroom, don't say a word every day
眼神中有點落寞  有點藏著什麼
A little bit stunned in my eyes, a little hidden
我問妳搖頭  眼光卻閃爍  遙控我感受
I asked you to shake your head, your eyes are blinking, I feel like a remote control

眼前的人帽子遮臉  轉角咖啡店  戴耳機隔絕了世界
The man in front of him, with the hat, at the corner of the coffee shop wears headphones to drown out the world
我遞上一杯咖啡  妳笑著說謝謝
I handed a cup of coffee, and you smiled and said thank you
我知道是妳  溫暖了空氣  我又遇見妳  這次就
I know it was you who warmed the air, and I met you again this time

讓我為妳唱情歌  讓我對你說愛妳
Let me sing a love song for you and let me tell you I love you
Please believe my heart
別再害怕  天塌了我會扛下
Don't be afraid, when the sky collapses, I will kneel down
最真實的童話  就差妳給我抱一下
The most genuine fairy tale, just give me a hug

妳有一種孤單的美  像琥珀裡面  透明卻封住了從前
You have a lonely beauty like amber inside, it is transparent but it has sealed the past
過去我愛的純粹  如今愛的沉醉
The pureness of my love in the past, the sheer intoxication of love nowadays
我知道是妳  折射了美麗  讓我遇見妳  這次就
I know it's you who refracts beauty and lets me meet you this time

讓我為妳唱情歌  讓我對你說愛妳
Let me sing a love song for you and let me tell you I love you
Please believe my heart
別再害怕  天塌了我會扛下
Don't be afraid, when the sky collapses, I will kneel down
最真實的童話  就差妳給我抱一下
The most genuine fairy tale, just give me a hug

讓我為妳唱情歌  讓我對你說愛妳
Let me sing a love song for you and let me tell you I love you
Please believe my heart
別再害怕  天塌了我會扛下
Don't be afraid, when the sky collapses, I will kneel down
最真實的童話  就差妳給我抱一下
The most genuine fairy tale, just give me a hug

讓我為妳唱情歌  讓我對你說愛妳
Let me sing a love song for you and let me tell you I love you
Please believe my heart
別再害怕  天塌了我會扛下
Don't be afraid, when the sky collapses, I will kneel down
最真實的童話  就差妳給我抱一下
The most genuine fairy tale, just give me a hug

讓我為妳唱情歌   讓我為妳唱情歌
Let me sing a love song for you, let me sing a love song for you
讓我對你說愛妳   讓我對你說愛~妳~
Let me say to you I love you let me say I love you to you~ you~

(Let me say to You)