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Monday, May 20, 2019

方大同 Khalil Fong - Ten Reasons

You are always willing to accompany me
I'm not as happy as you are
You're hot with my favorite dish
默契 都在 不需要猜
The tacit understanding doesn't have to be guessed
You感動很直接 笑著看世界 給我不同視野
You are moved to look at the world with a direct smile and give me a different vision
我的知覺 被你制約 想跟你分享喜怒哀樂每個日夜
My senses are restricted by you, and I want to share my joys and sorrows with you every day and night

These are the ten reasons why I love you
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
These are the ten reasons why
Oh 愛愛   ten reasons why
Oh Love love Ten Reasons why
愛你 girl   I just wanna say I love you
Love you girl I just wanna say I loves You
You are everything and everything’s about you
Ten reasons Ten reasons why I love you

你習慣用溫柔 讓平凡的生活 充滿愛
You're used to making ordinary life full of love with tenderness.
你小小的耍賴 也互相的依賴 everyday everyday像初戀般精彩
Your little trick is also dependent on each other everyday everyday as wonderful as the first love
謝謝你把我當唯一 回憶在細節裡堆積
Thank you for putting me as the only memory piled up in the details
一直重複溫習著 你的好 你的美麗
Keep brushing up on your good, your beauty.

These are the ten reasons why I love you
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
These are the ten reasons why
Oh 愛愛   ten reasons why
Oh Love love Ten Reasons why
愛你 girl   I just wanna say I love you
Love you girl I just wanna say I loves You
You are everything and everything’s about you
Ten reasons Ten reasons why I love you

我想保持這樣 就愛你這樣
I want to stay like this and love you like this
在一起很舒服的狀態love it
It's a very comfortable state together. Love it
不用刻意放閃示愛 (也明白)
Don't deliberately flash love (also understand)
I am very comfortable with my heart
不說話也愉快 避風的安全地帶
It's nice not to talk. Safe haven from the wind
這引力太厲害 閉上眼不想離開
This gravity is so good, close your eyes and don't want to leave.
Two hearts connected together
And it’s stronger than wi-fi
Never get disconnected

These are the ten reasons why I love you
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
These are the ten reasons why
Oh 愛愛   ten reasons why
Oh Love love Ten Reasons why
愛你 girl   I just wanna say I love you
Love you girl I just wanna say I loves You
You are everything and everything’s about you
Ten reasons Ten reasons why I love you