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Thursday, May 9, 2019

蔡依林 Jolin Tsai - 消極掰 Life Sucks

不想起床 不想睡覺
Don’t wanna wake up, don’t wanna go to bed
不換內褲 不想洗澡
Don’t wanna change my underwear, don’t wanna take a bath
自怨自哀自憐 放棄治療
Just wanna surrender and wallow in self-pity
系統不正常 雜訊干擾
System malfunction. Noise jamming

來福薩克死(Life Sucks
Life sucks
Romance dies
悲哀 莫大於心死
There is no greater sorrow than apathy
全身 只剩眼神死
I’ve got nothing but my glazed eyes now

愛情卡關 孤單寂寞難熬
Struggle to find love, suffer from loneliness
生活卡關 為五斗米折腰
Struggle to make a living , stay in a job I hate for small paychecks
運氣不好 總有瞎咖來鬧
Down on my luck , only attracting jerks
需要時間消化 這些黑色玩笑
It takes time to take these dark jokes

說得好 在哪裡跌倒 在哪裡躺好
Well said. You fall down, you lie down
消極好 消極一下好 人生有高低潮
Be negative, negativity helps, life has its ups and downs
說得好 流年不太好 當作上大號
Well said, flush your bad luck down the toilet and forget about it
消極好 跟消極握手 再一筆勾消
Be negative, shake hands with your negativity and then throw it out

說得好 在哪裡跌倒 在哪裡躺好
Well said, you fall down, you lie down
消極好 消極一下好 人生有高低潮
Be negative, negativity helps, life has its ups and downs
說得好 流年不太好 當作上大號
Well said, flush your bad luck down the toilet and forget about it
消極好 跟消極擁抱 再分道揚鑣
Be negative, embrace your negativity and then cut it out

不想假笑 陰森很好
No more fake smiles, it’s fine to look gloomy
想無理取鬧 不裝客套
No more being polite, wanna get unreasonable
難過到走心 一了百了
Heartbroken, wanna put all my troubles behind me
賀爾蒙不正常 理智線斷掉
Hormones out of whack, no longer thinking straight

來福薩克死(Life Sucks
Life sucks
Romance dies
悲哀 莫大於心死
There is no greater sorrow than apathy
全身 只剩眼神死
I’ve got nothing but my glazed eyes now

愛情卡關 孤單寂寞難熬
Struggle to find love ,suffer from loneliness
生活卡關 為五斗米折腰
Struggle to make a living , stay in a job I hate for small paychecks
運氣不好 總有瞎咖來鬧
Down on my luck , only attracting jerks
需要時間消化 這些黑色玩笑
It takes time to take these dark jokes

說得好 在哪裡跌倒 在哪裡躺好
Well said, you fall down, you lie down
消極好 消極一下好 人生有高低潮
Be negative, negativity helps, life has its ups and downs
說得好 流年不太好 當作上大號
Well said, slush your bad luck down the toilet and forget about it
消極好 跟消極握手 再一筆勾消
Be negative, shake hand with your negativity and then throw it out

說得好 在哪裡跌倒 在哪裡躺好
Well said, you fall down, you lie down
消極好 消極一下好 人生有高低潮
Be negative, negativity helps, life has its ups and downs
說得好 流年不太好 當作上大號
Well said, slush your bad luck down the toilet and forget about it
消極好 跟消極握手 再一筆勾消
Be negative, shake hand with your negativity and then throw it out

休息夠了 重新上緊發條
Rest enough to re-tighten the spring
頹廢夠了 活動活動手腳
Enough devastation, get up and stretch
消極夠了 掰掰告別煩惱
It's enough to break up and tell you troubles
活著就有希望 一切都是治療
There's hope in life that everything heals