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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

謝和弦 R-chord & 王詩安 Diana Wang – 愛不需要裝乖 Love Doesn't Need To Pretend

Is it not the case?
Some things I can only encounter but not beg for it to happen
有些人 可亲不可近
Some people I can only be kind to but not close
有些话 可想不可知
Some words I think of but I don't want to know
有些爱 可怜不可爱 却还是期待
Some relationships are pitiful not loving yet I still yearn for it

因为太想了解彼此 所以选择在一起
Because we wanted to know each other better so we chose to be together
因为太过了解彼此 所以选择要分开
Because we knew each other too well so we chose to break up

Ever since the day you fell in love with high heels
I started a joke yet I didn't know how to start it
你抱着他 他抱着你
You hug him, he hugs you
你抱着歉 他抱着怨
You are filled with remorse
Hence, after the last embrace, goodbyes were said
Hence, after the last goodbyes were said
没有再见 没有挽回
There were no goodbyes, no turning back
没有谁错 没有谁对
No one was wrong, no one was right

Love doesn't need to pretend
When the tone is wrong just let it go
我的浪漫 我的眼泪 你不爱就说Bye
My romance, my tears, you don't love them and just said bye
分手的拥抱 余温让谁受伤 (谁还在未不未来)
The breakup embrace who is hurt by the sweltering? (Who still can't accept the future?)
Love doesn't need to pretend
I am cute yet I can be bad
Don't give me the line "You miss my presence"
曾经的最爱 已读不回淘汰 (我要的是现在)
The past "I love you most", I'll read them and not back away (What I want is now)

别犯了贱 还赖在原地不肯离开
Don't laze at the start and refuse to leave after you've done something so low
认命吧 多潇洒
Admit your fate and be more chic
只要伤的起 扛的住
As long as you can bear the wound and shoulder it all
Anyone can be great in a love relationship

The street is filled with fallen leaves
This evening is faint and calls for people to get dizzy
我打翻手中的咖啡 也把菸蒂熄灭
I spill the cup of coffee in my hands and extinguish the cigarette butts
满地寂寞的味道 真叫人反胃
The smell of loneliness is everywhere, it only makes people lose their appetite
说都看不见 不过是自我安慰
By saying that it can't be seen, is merely self-comforting

This city is used to accumulating many scars
The crazy night wind is crazily making hearts drunk
醉一遍 又一夜 人事都已全非
Getting drunk for another time, another night, human frustrations will all become non-existent
往事只能回味 无法回位
Blinding say out past incidents, I can only get nostalgic, I can't go back to the past

You slowly disappear into the fog I can't see
I slowly vanish at the angle you can't see
繁星如此美 却发现你不在我身边
The stars are so beautiful yet I find that you're not by my side

Love doesn't need to pretend
When the tone is wrong just let it go
我的浪漫 我的眼泪 你不爱就说Bye
My romance, my tears, you don't love them and just said bye
分手的拥抱 余温让谁受伤 (谁还在未不未来)
The breakup embrace who is hurt by the sweltering? (Who still can't accept the future?)

Love doesn't need to pretend
I am cute yet I can be bad
Don't give me the line "You miss my presence"
曾经的最爱 已读不回淘汰 (我要的是现在)
The past "I love you most", I'll read them and not back away (What I want is now)

别犯了贱 还赖在原地不肯离开
Don't laze at the start and refuse to leave after you've done something so low
认命吧 多潇洒
Admit your fate and be more chic
只要伤的起 扛的住
As long as you can bear the wound and shoulder it all
Anyone can be great in a love relationship
经历过毁灭崩塌 得到重生希望
After experiencing destruction collapsing, I've regained hope
醒来后刮去了胡渣 你还是男子汉
After waking up you shaved your stubble yet you're still a man
看 还有 还有 理智的还有我 所以 绝望的话不要说
Look also I'm still wise so stop saying the dejecting words

Love doesn't need to pretend
When the tone is wrong just let it go
我的浪漫 我的眼泪 你不爱就说Bye
My romance, my tears, you don't love them and just said bye
分手的拥抱 余温让谁受伤 (谁还在未不未来)
The breakup embrace who is hurt by the sweltering? (Who still can't accept the future?)

Love doesn't need to pretend
I am cute yet I can be bad
Don't give me the line "You miss my presence"
曾经的最爱 已读不回淘汰 (我要的是现在)
The past "I love you most", I'll read them and not back away (What I want is now)

别犯了贱 还赖在原地不肯离开
Don't laze at the start and refuse to leave after you've done something so low
认命吧 多潇洒
Admit your fate and be more chic
只要伤的起 扛的住
As long as you can bear the wound and shoulder it all
Anyone can be great in a love relationship