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Friday, May 24, 2019

李榮浩 Ronghao Li - 模特 Model

穿華麗的服裝 為原始的渴望而站著
Wear gorgeous costumes and stand for the original longing
用完美的表情 為脆弱的城市而撐著
Hold on to the fragile city with the perfect expression
我冷漠的接受 你焦急的等待也困著
I accept with indifference that your anxious wait is also trapped
Like countless models that live in the window

除了燈以外 我還能看見什麼 除了光以外 我還能要求什麼
What else can I see besides the lights, what else can I ask for besides the light?
除了你以外 我還能倚賴哪一個
Which one can I rely on besides you?
在千里以外 在呼喊的是什麼 在百年以後 想回憶的是什麼
Thousands of miles away in shouting what you want to recall after a century
在離開以前 能否再見那一刻
Can you see the moment before you leave?

記得 你的眼睛將會亮著
Remember, your eyes will be on
我的手臂將會揮著  誰說世界早已沒有選擇
My arm will swing, who says the world has no choice
趁著 我會喜怒你會哀樂
Kneeling, I will be angry, you will be sad
唱幾分鐘情歌 沒什麼 至少證明我們還活著
Singing a few minutes of love songs, means nothing, at least prove that we're alive

Like a simple butterfly flying for the sweetness of a rose
Like a naughty kitten asleep for tomorrow's curiosity.
It is the time of chaos, it is a transparent prison 
You can't keep modeling in the window

除了風以外 我還能聽到什麼
What else can I hear besides the wind?
除了塵以外 我還能拒絕什麼
What else can I refuse besides the dust?
除了你以外 我還能倚賴哪一個
Which one can I rely on besides you?
在千里以外 在呼喊的是什麼
Thousands of miles away, what are you shouting about?
在百年以後 想回憶的是什麼
What do you want to remember after a century?
在離開以前 能否再見那一刻
Can you see the moment before you leave?

記得 你的眼睛將會亮著
Remember, your eyes will be on
My arm's going to swing
Who says the world already has no choice?
趁著 我會喜怒你會哀樂
Kneeling, I will be angry, you will be sad
唱幾分鐘情歌 沒什麼  
Sing a few minutes of love songs, means nothing
At least prove we're alive