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Saturday, May 25, 2019

梁靜茹 Fish Leong - 慢冷 Slow-To-Cool-Down

說完了 好像話都說完了
It's like I'm done talking
It's always silent, sitting down
In the eyes is a thick night

感情是偏執的 越愛越是偏執的
Feelings are a partial love, and the more you are, the more you enforce it
I don't believe what I saw
硬要說裂縫不過 是皺褶
Hard to say that the crack is just a wrinkle

How to get hot first but get cold first
Slowly hot but can't stop, still boiling
Look at the time, capricious, run, and then fold
慢冷的人啊 會自我折磨
People who are slow and cold are going to torture themselves

The people who are moving are coming to hear the retention
This world is so big that you can't travel
浪漫讓你溫柔 也讓你最惹人 淚流
Romance makes you gentle and makes you the most tearful

牽你手 若無其事牽你手
Take your hand, if nothings happens, hold your hand
You're like an emotional puppet
多狠多讓人厭惡 的劇透
More disgusting spoilers

愛從不敵 性格 不死心最痛
Love never hurts the most
奈何 我總是記得開始 被猛烈 愛的悸動
Well, I always remember to start being violently loved