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Friday, May 24, 2019

田馥甄 Hebe Tien - 還是要幸福 Still In Happiness

不確定就別親吻  感情很容易毀了一個人
Don't kiss if you are unsure, feelings can easily ruin a person
一個人若不夠狠  愛淡了不離不棄多殘忍
If a person is not relentless enough, how cruel of him to hold on faded love

你留下來的垃圾  我一天一天總會丟完的
The mess you left behind, I'll clean it up day by day
我甚至真心真意的祝福  永恆在你的身上先發生
I even sincerely wish good things happen to you first

你還是要幸福  你千萬不要再招惹別人哭
You still deserve to be happy, and you mustn't another person cry
所有錯誤從我這裏落幕 別跟著我  銘心刻骨
All the mistakes you've made ends with me, don't keep lingering on me, forget about me

你還是要幸福  我才能確定我還得很清楚
You still deserve happiness, that way I'm certain I've paid back entirely
確定自己再也不會佔據 你的篇幅
Certain that I'm no longer a hindrance
明天 開始 這一切都結束
Starting tomorrow, it's all over

還我鑰匙的備份  我覺得再見可以很單純
Return the copy of my keys. I think goodbye can be simple
我甚至真心真意的祝福  永恆在你的身上先發生
I even wish with all my heart everlasting love will find you first

你還是要幸福  你千萬不要再招惹別人哭
You still deserve to be happy, and you mustn't another person cry
所有錯誤從我這裏落幕 別跟著我  銘心刻骨
All the mistakes you've made ends with me, don't keep lingering on me, forget about me

你還是要幸福  我才能確定我還得很清楚
You still deserve happiness, that way I'm certain I've paid back entirely
確定自己再也不會佔據 你的篇幅
Certain that I'm no longer a hindrance
明天 開始 這一切都結束
Starting tomorrow, it's all over

你還是要幸福  你千萬不要再招惹別人哭
You still deserve to be happy, and you mustn't another person cry
所有錯誤從我這裏落幕 別跟著我  銘心刻骨
All the mistakes you've made ends with me, don't keep lingering on me, forget about me

你如果很幸福  半夜的簡訊我就無需回覆
If you're happy, I don't have to reply to the late night messages
因為你的悲喜已經有了 容身之處 我也 能有 最純粹的孤獨
Because your sorrow and joy have a place to be, and I can have the purest of loneliness