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Thursday, May 23, 2019

梁靜茹 Fish Leong - 我好嗎 How Am I

The Golden Ginkgo tree is full again
That year, the agreement under the tree was dissolved
Although the blue sky is still as clear as youth
我們不再見了 自顧自活著
We are not seeing each other, living on our own

More greetings are often associated to happiness
也只能獨自沈溺 思念的片刻
You can only drown and miss the moment alone
淚水淹沒歲月 何時甘願 去跟遺憾求和
Tears drown the years, when willing to go with regrets
曾經圓滿我的 碾碎我的 都回不去了
Once it was perfect, my crush, I couldn't go back

不是心不死 還留你一個位置
It's not the heart that leaves you in a position
Just the name I called
要怎麼從回憶的固執 徹底消失
How to disappear completely from the stubbornness of memory

你好嗎 說給空氣聽  徒勞的心情
How are you? Tell the air to hear the futility of the mood
刻骨銘心的愛情 只留下無處寄託的感情
Unforgettable love only leaves the feelings of nowhere to be pinned

我好嗎 有誰能傾聽  跟寂寞的夢旅行
How am I? Who’s going to listen to a lonely dream trip?

我是陽光下的陰影 自己給自己回應
I'm the shadow of the sun, I'm responding to myself

不是還眷戀 還留你一個位置
Not still sentimental and leaving you a place
Just the name I remember again
往後誰會繼續說完 沒我的故事
Who's going to go on in the future without my story?

你好嗎 說給空氣聽  徒勞的心情
How are you? Tell the air to hear the futility of the mood
刻骨銘心的愛情 只留下無處寄託的感情
Unforgettable love only leaves the feelings of nowhere to be pinned

我好嗎 有誰能傾聽  跟寂寞的夢旅行
How Am I? Who’s going to listen to a lonely dream trip?

我是陽光下的陰影 自己給自己回應
I'm the shadow of the sun, I'm responding to myself

我好嗎 有誰能傾聽  有誰會同情
How Am I? who can listen, who's going to sympathize
獨自等雨過天晴 等不回當時 擁抱的激情
Alone waiting for the rain to wait till then embrace the Passion

我很好 說給昨天聽  跟今天一言為定
I'm very good, saying to yesterday with today's words
換一張明天的風景 自己和自己同行
Change the landscape of tomorrow and walk with yourself

我好嗎 你在乎嗎
How Am I? do you care?