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Sunday, May 5, 2019

陳芳語 Kimberley - 心動拍拍 Heartwarming Pat

一起來 拍拍我的可愛 高馬尾和翹瀏海
Take a pat on my cute high ponytail and upturned sea
拍拍我的耍賴 壞脾氣和有點跩
Pat my slaps, bad temper and a little cocky
跟我心動拍拍 偶爾女人偶爾女孩
With my heartwarming pat, occasionally woman, occasionally girl
Shoot the Beautiful Now

很感謝 我又熟了點 oh
Thank you so much for being a little more familiar OH
失個戀 不用哭三天 oh
Lost a love, don't cry for three days OH
沒有緣 至少還有顏
There is no fat, at least there is still beauty
I'm going to mask a face on before I go to bed

可以甜 也能辣翻天 其實        
It can be sweet and spicy, actually
很體貼 卻不軟綿綿
It's sweet, but it's not soft
搞怪時候 會逆天
I'm going against the sky when I'm weird

 一起來 拍拍我的可愛 高馬尾和翹瀏海
Take a pat on my cute high ponytail and upturned sea
拍拍我的耍賴 壞脾氣和有點跩
Pat my cheating bad temper and a little sly
跟我心動拍拍 偶爾女人偶爾女孩
With my heartwarming pat, occasional woman,, occasionally girl
Shoot the beautiful Now

跟你說 我很多面 賣萌也會耍劍
Hey, I'm telling you, I have many faces, I can be cute and will also play sword
既前衛又古典 能搞笑能莊嚴
Both avant-garde and classical can be funny and solemn.
可以低調收斂 可以俏皮瘋癲
Can be low-key convergence can be playful madness
乖一點 怪一點 姐都很熟練
Honey, a little weird, sister is very skilled
wo oh 上傳照片 wo oh 刻下經典
Wo Oh upload photo wo Oh engraved Classic
Forward every side of the heart

wu huh 我喜歡我的多變 我喜歡我的每個瞬間
Wu Huh I like my change, I like every moment of mine
wu huh 心動要留下畫面
Wu Huh heartwarming to leave a picture

一起來 拍拍我的可愛 高馬尾和翹瀏海
Take a pat on my cute high ponytail and upturned sea
拍拍我的耍賴 壞脾氣和有點跩
Pat my cheating bad temper and a little cocky
跟我心動拍拍 偶爾女人偶爾女孩
With my heartwarming pat, occasionally woman, occasionally girl
Shoot the beautiful Now

跟你說 我很多面 賣萌也會耍劍
Hey, I'm telling you, I have many faces, I can be cute and will also play sword
既前衛又古典 能搞笑能莊嚴
Both avant-garde and classical can be funny and solemn.
可以低調收斂 可以俏皮瘋癲
Can be low-key convergence, can be playful madness
乖一點 怪一點 姐都很熟練
Honey, a little weird, sister is very skilled
wo oh 上傳照片 wo oh 刻下經典
Wo Oh upload photo wo Oh engraved Classic
Forward every side of the heart

一起來 拍拍我的可愛 高馬尾和翹瀏海
Take a pat on my cute high ponytail and upturned sea
拍拍我的耍賴 壞脾氣和有點跩
Pat my cheating bad temper and a little sly
跟我心動拍拍 偶爾女人偶爾女孩
With my heartwarming pat, occasionally woman, occasionally girl
Shoot the Beautiful Now

一起來 跟我心動拍拍 偶爾女人偶爾女孩
Come with me with a heartwarming pat, occasionally woman, occasionally girl
Shoot the beautiful Now