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Friday, May 31, 2019

胡夏 Hu Xia - 倚天屠龍記 The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber

Just don't ask the cause and effect to take root
There are always unruly of life and death
With a wide benevolence injury and a smile
Afraid of cruel and affectionate injury infatuated people

There are a few people who can get through the entanglement
Stay first heart a few points
There are a few people who can hide
The end of the robbery is trapped

What is eternal worldly dispute
The world is warm and cold, the glitz of Half life
Flowers fall, I wish I anonymity to hide my last name.
I'll give you peace
This kiss, I have no grudge, no hatred

Old wounds, new marks, memories of the past into moment
Feelings, love, hate, and grudges
Hand blade chopping is fate
You're the one who arranged my fate

There are a few people who can get through the entanglement.
Stay first heart a few points
There are a few people who can hide
Be trapped in the end
What is eternal worldly dispute

The world is warm and cold, the glitz of Half life
Flowers fall, I wish I anonymity to hide my last name
I'll give you peace
This kiss, I have no grudge, no hatred

What is eternal worldly dispute
The world is warm and cold, the glitz of Half life
Flowers fall, I wish I anonymity to hide my last name
I'll give you peace
This kiss, I have no grudge, no hatred

Sunday, May 26, 2019

郁可唯 Yisa Yu - 时间煮雨 Time Boils The Rain

風吹雨成花 時間追不上白馬
The wind blows into the rain, the time can't catch up with the white horse
你年少掌心的夢話 依然緊握著嗎
Are you still sitting in your palms?

雲翻湧成夏 眼淚被歲月蒸發
Clouds rush into summer, tears are evaporated by the years
這條路上的你我她 有誰迷路了嗎
Who are you and me on this road?

我們說好不分離 要一直一直在一起
We say that we don’t separate, we have to stay together all the time.
就算與時間為敵 就算與全世界背離
Even if it is against the time, even if it deviates from the world

風吹亮雪花 吹白我們的頭髮
Wind blows snowflakes, blows our hair
當初說一起闖天下 你們還記得嗎
I said that I still remember the world together. Do you still remember?

那一年盛夏 心願許的無限大
The infancy of the summer of that year
我們手拉手也成舟 劃過悲傷河流
We are hand in hand and boating.

你曾說過不分離 要一直一直在一起
You said that you don’t separate, you have to be together all the time.
現在我想問問你 是否只是童言無忌
Now I want to ask if you are just a child’s words.

天真歲月不忍欺 青春荒唐我不負你
Innocent years can't bear to bully, youth is ridiculous, I don't want you
大雪求你別抹去 我們在一起的痕跡
Snow asks you not to erase the traces of our together
大雪也無法抹去 我們給彼此的印記
Snow can't erase our mark on each other

今夕何夕 青草離離
On the eve of the evening, the grass is separated
Sending a thousand miles to the moonlight night
等來年 秋風起
Waiting for the coming year

Saturday, May 25, 2019

孫燕姿 Stefanie Sun - 開始懂了Realize

我竟然沒有調頭 最殘忍那一刻 靜靜看你走 一點都不像我
I didn't turn around, the most cruel moment, quietly watching you walk is not like me
原來人會變得溫柔 是透徹的懂了 愛情是流動的 不由人的 何必激動著要理由
It turns out that people will become gentle and thoroughly understand that love is flowing, not by people, why excited to reason
相信你只是怕傷害我 不是騙我 很愛過誰會捨得 把我的夢搖醒了 宣佈幸福不會來了
I believe you're just afraid of hurting me, not lying to me, who would be willing to wake up my dream and declare that happiness is not coming
用心酸微笑去原諒了 也翻越了 有昨天還是好的 但明天是自己的 開始懂了 快樂是選擇
With a poignant smile to forgive also climbed over there yesterday is still good but tomorrow is their own beginning to understand that happiness is the choice

我竟然沒有調頭 最殘忍那一刻 靜靜看你走 一點都不像我
I didn't turn around, the most cruel moment, quietly watching you walk is not like me.
原來人會變得溫柔 是透徹的懂了 愛情是流動的 不由人的 何必激動著要理由
It turns out that people will become gentle and thoroughly understand that love is flowing, not by people, why excited to reason

相信你只是怕傷害我 不是騙我 很愛過誰會捨得 把我的夢搖醒了 宣佈幸福不會來了
I believe you're just afraid of hurting me, not lying to me, who would be willing to wake up my dream and declare that happiness is not coming.
用心酸微笑去原諒了 也翻越了 有昨天還是好的 但明天是自己的 開始懂了 快樂是選擇
With a poignant smile to forgive also climbed over there yesterday is still good but tomorrow is their own beginning to understand that happiness is the choice

相信你只是怕傷害我 不是騙我 很愛過誰會捨得
I'm sure you're just afraid of hurting me, not lying to me, who's going to be willing
把我的夢搖醒了 宣佈幸福不會來了
Wake up my dreams and declare that happiness is not coming
用心酸微笑去原諒了 也翻越了 有昨天還是好的
With a poignant smile to forgive also climbed over there yesterday is still good
但明天是自己的 開始懂了 快樂是選擇
But tomorrow is your beginning, and you know, happiness is choice

校长 Xiao Zhang - 带你去旅行 Take You On A Trip

Today's makeup is particularly fascinating 
Oh  baby
Oh, I said Baby
Change into a new mood before you go out
Oh 我的 lady
Oh my lady
You like to have small emotions
Like a sunny cloud
Hair long, short surprise
Rich expression, fascinating
Everything about you, I'm curious, like a secret
Fasten your seat belt and take you on a trip
Through the wind and rain

I want to take you to a romantic Turkey
And then go to Tokyo and Paris together
Actually, I like Miami very much
And Los Angeles with black people
Actually, honey, you don't have to be too surprised
Go to the bustling Shanghai and Beijing together
And Dali, Yunnan, retains memories
That makes sense

梁靜茹 Fish Leong - 慢冷 Slow-To-Cool-Down

說完了 好像話都說完了
It's like I'm done talking
It's always silent, sitting down
In the eyes is a thick night

感情是偏執的 越愛越是偏執的
Feelings are a partial love, and the more you are, the more you enforce it
I don't believe what I saw
硬要說裂縫不過 是皺褶
Hard to say that the crack is just a wrinkle

How to get hot first but get cold first
Slowly hot but can't stop, still boiling
Look at the time, capricious, run, and then fold
慢冷的人啊 會自我折磨
People who are slow and cold are going to torture themselves

The people who are moving are coming to hear the retention
This world is so big that you can't travel
浪漫讓你溫柔 也讓你最惹人 淚流
Romance makes you gentle and makes you the most tearful

牽你手 若無其事牽你手
Take your hand, if nothings happens, hold your hand
You're like an emotional puppet
多狠多讓人厭惡 的劇透
More disgusting spoilers

愛從不敵 性格 不死心最痛
Love never hurts the most
奈何 我總是記得開始 被猛烈 愛的悸動
Well, I always remember to start being violently loved

王艷薇 Evangeline - 框不住的愛 Unstoppable Love

擋住異樣的眼光 堵上這世界的窗 堆積成四面的框 這不是你的模樣
Blocking the different eyes, blocking the windows of the world, piled up in a four-sided box, which is not what you look like.
你帶上面具偽裝 偽裝怎麼樣堅強
How do you pretend to be strong when you wear a mask camouflage?
但是留不住天堂 我知道不是想像
But I can't live in heaven, I know it's not imaginary
擁抱著同一片陽光 牽著手 我們
Embrace the same sunshine holding hands with us
It's heading in the same direction

別再讓愛徘徊 沒人天生失敗
Don't let love wander again, no one is born to fail
是與生俱來 存在就該存在
It's innate to exist, it's supposed to exist
一道美麗光彩 大雨後的安排
A beautiful and glorious arrangement after the heavy rain
是驕傲期待 是框不住的愛 框不住的愛
Is proud of the expectation is the unstoppable love unstoppable love

你帶上面具偽裝 偽裝怎麼樣堅強
How do you get strong when you wear a mask camouflage?
但是留不住天堂 我知道不是想像
But I can't live in heaven, I know it's not imaginary
擁抱著同一片陽光 牽著手 我們
Embrace the same sunshine holding hands with us
It's heading in the same direction

別再讓愛徘徊 沒人天生失敗
Don't let love wander again, no one is born to fail
是與生俱來 存在就該存在
It's innate to exist, it's supposed to exist
一道美麗光彩 大雨後的安排
A beautiful and glorious arrangement after the heavy rain
是驕傲期待 是框不住的愛
Is proud of the expectation is the unstoppable love

別再讓愛徘徊 沒人天生失敗
Don't let love wander again, no one is born to fail
是與生俱來 存在就該存在
It's innate to exist, it's supposed to exist
一道美麗光彩 大雨後的安排
A beautiful and glorious arrangement after the heavy rain
是驕傲期待 是框不住的愛
Is proud of the expectation is the unstoppable love

王詩安 Diana Wang - 愛存在 Love Still Exists

你送我的圍巾和毛衣 已經換季該收到哪裡
The scarf and sweater you gave me, the seasons have changed where should I put them?
熟悉的默契 已過期 愛換季 你離去 收不完的曾經
The familiar understanding has already expired, love changed seasons, you left, the past a lot to talk about, not enough time
是誰說了會好好珍惜 一起收折的許多場景
Who said he would cherish with his heart, lots of scenes we collected together
有我就有你 所有回憶 該怎樣才能繼續 那些約定
With me, I have all your memories, how do we make it continue, make it last all those promises

你的愛 綁架了我的未來飛向大海
Your love kidnapped my future and flew to the sea
我的愛 擱淺在沙灘靜靜等你回來
My love is stranded on the beach, waiting for you to come back.
過去多好多壞 沒有人能重來
It doesn't matter how good or bad the past is, nobody can live twice
All that's left is to go through it every day and be really okay

你的愛 風一樣享受自由迫不及待
Your love, like the wind can't wait to enjoy the freedom
我的愛 像風箏緊拉著線原地感慨
My love is like a kite holding on tight to the string,  staying in the same place 
就算星辰幽暗 我仍願意相信 愛存在
Even if the sky is dark, I still want to believe that love still exists

有一天 我發現這些年美好的畫面
One day I found a beautiful picture of these years
就像是 馬卡龍鮮豔香又甜
It's like macarons, bright and sweet.
從來都不曾改變 這一切
Those things have never changed, all this
細數著 手機裡合照的每一次紀念
Counting every picture of us in my cell phone, souvenirs 
一遍又一遍 愛情離得多遠 眼淚就有多鹹
Once and again, how much distance from love, that's how salty the tears are

(你的愛) 綁架了我的未來飛向大海
(Your Love) kidnapped my future and flew to the sea
(我的愛) 擱淺在沙灘靜靜等你回來
(My Love) stranded on the beach quietly waiting for you to come back
過去多好多壞 沒有人能重來
It doesn't matter how good or bad the past is, nobody can live twice
All that's left is to go through it every day and be really okay

你的愛 風一樣享受自由迫不及待
Your love, like the wind can't wait to enjoy the freedom
我的愛 像風箏緊拉著線原地感慨
My love is like a kite holding on tight to the string,  staying in the same place 
就算星辰幽暗 我仍願意相信 愛存在
Even if the sky is dark, I still want to believe that love still exists