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Monday, September 2, 2019

隔壁老樊 Ge Bi Lao Fan - 你的姑娘 Your girl

说起你爱的姑娘 你把手指到了远方
Speaking of the girl you love, you took your finger far away
你说你的姑娘很美 笑起来像个太阳
You said your girl was beautiful, laughing like a sun
你爱的姑娘 如今她不在你的身旁
The girl you love, she's not by your side now
为了她持起了钢枪 说像个男人的模样
For her to hold a steel gun and say it looks like a man
姑娘你的模样 就这样雕刻在我的心房
Girl your look, carved in my heart
为了她跋山涉水 载满荣誉回到家乡
For her to trek the mountains and waters and return home with honor
你爱的姑娘 在桥下洗着你最喜欢的衣裳
The girl you love, washing your favorite clothes under the bridge
在家吃着粗茶淡饭 她在等你坐身旁
At home with a light meal of coarse tea, she's waiting for you to sit next to you

When you go back to your hometown
She's not the girl you love anymore
她带着最爱的他 去追寻了阳光
She took his favorite man to the sun
你给她带来最美的情话 带来了最美的花
You brought her the most beautiful words, the most beautiful flowers.
你说你想给她披上婚纱 然后把她带回家
You said you wanted to put her in a wedding dress and bring her home
姑娘你的模样 就这样雕刻在我的心房
Girl your look, carved in my heart
为了她跋山涉水 载满荣誉回到家乡
For her to trek the mountains and waters and return home with honor
你爱的姑娘 在桥下洗着你最喜欢的衣裳
The girl you love, washing your favorite clothes under the bridge.
在家吃着粗茶淡饭 她在等你坐身旁
At home with a light meal of coarse tea, she's waiting for you to sit next to you

姑娘你的模样 就这样雕刻在我的心房
Girl your look, carved in my heart
为了她跋山涉水 载满荣誉回到家乡
For her to trek the mountains and waters and return home with honor
你爱的姑娘 在桥下洗着你最喜欢的衣裳
The girl you love, washing your favorite clothes under the bridge
在家吃着粗茶淡饭 她在等你坐身旁
At home with a light meal of coarse tea, she's waiting for you to sit next to you
在家吃着粗茶淡饭 她在等你坐身旁
At home with a light meal of coarse tea, she's waiting for you to sit next to you