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Sunday, September 29, 2019

楊凱琳 Rosie - ㄧ直微笑 Unbroken

城市像孤島 往哪裡逃跑
The city is like an isolated island, where to escape

Who hears my silent roar
倔強被擊倒 有誰能投靠

Reluctantly knocked down, who can be trusted

I'm imprisoned in floating bubbles

天使被孤單 背叛 毫不意外

An angel is betrayed by loneliness, not surprising
魔鬼控制愛 傷害 更堅持純白

The devil controls love and pain, yet insists on pure white

我會一直微笑 把眼淚蒸發掉

I will always smile, evaporate my tears
我並不需要 虛偽的擁抱

I don't need a fake embrace
我會一直微笑 厭倦對誰討好

I will always smile, I am tired of pleasing others
I Won't Count My Tears
I Won't Count My Tears
I Won't Count My Tears

受夠了紛擾 誰都別來打擾

I've had enough turmoil, don't come and disturb me

I've removed my freedom-restricting outerwear
未來的預告 為自己驕傲

I'm proud of my future's forecast

I'll find the gate leading to my heart

天使被孤單 背叛 毫不意外
An angel is betrayed by loneliness, not surprising
魔鬼控制愛 傷害 更堅持純白

The devil controls love and pain, yet insists on pure white
我會一直微笑 把眼淚蒸發掉
I will always smile, evaporate my tears
我並不需要 虛偽的擁抱

I don't need a fake embrace
我會一直微笑 厭倦對誰討好

I will always smile, I am tired of pleasing others
I Won't Count My Tears
I Won't Count My Tears

我不要 遺憾過每一秒

I don't want to regret every second
不用誰來證明 我重不重要

I don't need someone to determine whether I'm important

天使把孤單 深埋 勇敢重來

An angel buries their loneliness and bravely starts over
魔鬼控制愛 傷害 更堅持純白

A demon controls love and pain

I will always smile
I Won't Count My Tears

我會一直微笑 把眼淚蒸發掉
I will always smile, evaporate my tears
我並不需要 虛偽的擁抱

I don't need a fake embrace
我會一直微笑 厭倦對誰討好

I will always smile, I am tired of pleasing others
I Won't Count My Tears
I Won't Count My Tears
I Won't Count My Tears