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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

程響 Cheng Xiang - 不再聯繫 No Longer Contact

Maybe I can still know your story from the internet
Maybe the song I sang is still in your phone
Maybe I love you becomes the secret in the bottom of my heart
Maybe when you think about me, I'm thinking about you too

多少次我告訴自己 此情可待已成追憶
I tell myself many times, this love has already become a memory
多少次我告誡自己 不再為你 流淚到一敗塗地
I warn myself many times, I will not cry for you anymore

我和你不再聯繫 希望你不要介意
I will not contact you anymore and hope that you won't mind it
If you want to blame, just blame that we didn't get together at that time
而你對現在也比較滿意 所以我留下來也沒有道理
And you are quite satisfied about what we are now, 
so there is no reason for me to stay
我和你斷了聯繫 不代表我不想你
I stopped contacting you, it doesn't mean I won't miss you
走到哪裡還是會有惦記 而我也開始試著去忘記
Wherever I go I will still be thinking about you, but I will start trying to forget
Erase all our past that was abandoned

Maybe I can still know your story from the internet
Maybe the song I sang is still in your phone
Maybe I love you becomes the secret in the bottom of my heart
Maybe when you think about me, I'm thinking about you too

多少次我告訴自己 此情可待已成追憶
I tell myself many times, this love has already become a memory
多少次我告誡自己 不再為你 流淚到一敗塗地
I warn myself many times, I will not cry for you anymore

我和你不再聯繫 希望你不要介意
I will not contact you anymore and hope that you won't mind it
If you want to blame, just blame that we didn't get together at that time
而你對現在也比較滿意 所以我留下來也沒有道理
And you are quite satisfied about what we are now, 
so there is no reason for me to stay
我和你斷了聯繫 不代表我不想你
I stopped contacting you, it doesn't mean I won't miss you
走到哪裡還是會有惦記 而我也開始試著去忘記
Wherever I go I will still be thinking about you, but I will start trying to forget
Erase all our past that was abandoned

我和你不再聯繫 希望你不要介意
I will not contact you anymore and hope that you won't mind it
If you want to blame, just blame that we didn't get together at that time
而你對現在也比較滿意 所以我留下來也沒有道理
And you are quite satisfied about what we are now, 
so there is no reason for me to stay
我和你斷了聯繫 不代表我不想你
I stopped contacting you, it doesn't mean I won't miss you
走到哪裡還是會有惦記 而我也開始試著去忘記
Wherever I go I will still be thinking about you, but I will start trying to forget
Erase all our past that was abandoned

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