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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

董贞 Dong Zhen - 世上岂有神仙哉 There Are Gods In The World

醉花淚 蒼天餞 一蕭似催
Drunk and tears, the heavens sorrow
是紅塵中 誰的眷戀
Who is in the red dust?
那含笑的眸眼 是如此的夢魘
That smile is such a nightmare
只待一瞬 轉身破滅
Only a moment turned and shattered
茫茫黃泉縱橫 我願生死換相見
In this unforeseeable sea, I am willing to live and die for you
涅磐輪 你可曾記得我的顏
Nirvana wheel can you remember my face
陌路非罪 為何惹天嫌
What is wrong with the road?
刃沫血 劃破心澗
Blade with blood cut through the heart
相思戀 魂飛魄眩
Love is soaring
曼珠花開 一夜隨風追隨
Manzhuhua blossomed with the wind all night
Someone sights with the vows that nobody keeps

新月奠 怒龍蔑 一斬似別
New moon, angry dragonfly
是刀劍中 誰的喚念
Who is the sword calling
那寂寞的雙肩 是如此的憔悴
That lonely shoulder is so embarrassing
輾轉拂袖 彈指錯落
Twisting sleeves, missing fingers
曾記林中初見 脈脈依戀又難言
Zeng Ji Lin's first sight, it's hard to say
瑞雪翩 俯首沾染誰的衣袂
Rui Xueying who is stained with his clothes
卻又回眸 盡封前世憐
But look back, the past life is finished
挾長劍 誰懂情怨
Long sword who knows the complaints
話訣別 揮散舊顏
Say goodbye with old fluttering words
婆娑纏綿 不過是個紀念
It was lingering but it's a commemoration
Just let it sleep on that day

恩與恨 看破朱顏
Grace and hate, see through Zhu Yan
今與昔 不忘誓言
Today and the past, don't forget the promise
紛亂繾綣 妖顛如癡如醉
Chaos, intoxicated demon
怎嘆是 姻緣一現
How can you sigh?

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