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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

林俊傑 JJ Lin - 她說 She Says

She came silently
She brought away silence
But the final commitment
Still did not bring away the loneliness
Nothing was wrong with our love
Just the beautiful one-person show is too much torment
She said it doesn't matter
只要能在夜里 翻来覆去的时候有寄托
As long as at night, the repeating time will have focus
等不到天黑 烟火不会太完美
If they can't wait until night, the fire works won't be pretty
回忆烧成灰 还是等不到结尾
There is no ending even after the memories are burnt
她曾说的无所谓 我怕一天一天被摧毁
The "doesn’t matter" she has said, I am afraid that it would start disappearing day by day

等不到天黑 不敢凋谢的花蕾
Buds don't dare to wither before darkness
绿叶在跟随 放开刺痛的滋味
The green leaves is following, release the taste piercing pain
今后不再怕天明 我想只是害怕清醒
Won't be again scared of the dawn, I am just afraid of waking up in the dawn