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Monday, September 2, 2019

牛奶咖啡 Milk Coffee - 明天你好 Hello, Tomorrow

看昨天的我们 走远了
Watch as the us of yesterday walk further away
在命运广场中央 等待
Waiting in the center of destiny square
那模糊的 肩膀
That fuzzy shoulder
越奔跑 越渺小
The more it runs, the smaller it gets

曾经 并肩往前的 伙伴
The friends that we once walked side by side with
在举杯 祝福后都 走散
After we drank to our happiness, we went our separate ways
只是那个 夜晚
But that night
我深深 的都留藏在心坎
Will always be buried deep within my heart

长大以后 我只能奔跑
Once grown up, I can only run
我多害怕 黑暗中跌倒
I am scared to fall into the darkness
明天你好 含着泪微笑
Hello tomorrow, smiling with tears in my eyes
越美好 越害怕得到
The more beautiful it is, the more scared I am to get it

每一次哭 又笑着 奔跑
After every cry, I will smile running forward
一边失去 一边在寻找
Losing and finding something as I go along
明天你好 声音多渺小
Hello tomorrow, even in small voice
却提醒我 勇敢是什么
But reminds me what it means to be brave
When I walk in the opposite direction
在楼梯的角落 找勇气
Huddled in the corner of the stairway I seek courage
抖着肩膀 哭泣
Shoulders visibly shaking as I week
问自己 在哪里
I ask myself, where am I?

曾经 并肩往前 的伙伴
The friends that we once walked side by side with
沉默着 懂得我的委屈
They wordlessly understood my suffering
Time, it lies constantly
我从 不曾失去 那些肩膀
Those shoulders have never been lost to me

长大以后 我只能奔跑
Once grown up, I can only run
我多害怕 黑暗中跌倒
I am scared to fall into the darkness
明天你好 含着泪微笑
Hello tomorrow, smiling with tears in my eyes
越美好 越害怕得到
The more beautiful it is, the more scared I am to get it

每一次哭 又笑着奔跑
After every cry, I will smile running forward
一边失去 一边在寻找
Losing and finding something as I go along
明天你好 声音多渺小
Hello tomorrow, even in a small voice
But it reminds me

长大以后 我只能奔跑
Once grown up, I can only run
我多害怕 黑暗中跌倒
I am scared to fall into the darkness
明天你好 含着泪微笑
Hello tomorrow, smiling with tears in my eyes
越美好 越害怕得到
The more beautiful it is, the more scared I am to get it

每一次哭 又笑着奔跑
After every cry, I will smile running forward
一边失去 一边在寻找
Losing and finding something as I go along
明天你好 声音多渺小
Hello tomorrow, even in a small voice
却提醒我 勇敢是什么
But it reminds me what it means to be brave

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