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Thursday, July 4, 2019

金莎 Jin Sha - 愛的魔法The Magic of Love

Sure it's not really certain
It's just four eyes that are relatively heart-throb
不見你會想你 在人群中找你
Don't you think I am looking for you in the crowd
Find you and pretend not to look at you.

她們說你有點壞 追你的女生都很傷心
They said that you're a little bad, chasing your girls
可是我永不會追 我要讓你忍不住動心
But I'll never chase, I'm going to make you be tempted
要保持魅力 忽遠又忽近
To stay attractive, to be far away yet close
Can't be free to be courted

要像蜜桃般甜美 閱讀更多書籍 充實自己更完美
To be sweet like a peach read more books enrich yourself to be more perfect

不是每一次的約會 你約我就出現
Not every date I will show up when you invite me
不是每一通的電話 你打來我都會接
Not every phone call, I'll take it when you call

愛情不是投入越快 就可以收獲更多
Love doesn't get more than it gets
喜歡被你送到家門 但不能請你喝咖啡
Like to be sent to your house but can't ask you for coffee

Sure it's not really certain
It's just four eyes that are relatively heart-throb
不見你會想你 在人群中找你
Don't you think I'm looking for you in the crowd
Find it and pretend not to look at you.

她們說你有點壞 追你的女生都很傷心
They said that you're a little bad, chasing your girls
可是我永不會追 我要讓你忍不住動心
But I'll never chase, I'm going to make you can't help moving
要保持魅力 忽遠又忽近
To stay attractive, to be far away and close
Can't be free to be courted

要像蜜桃般甜美 閱讀更多書籍 充實自己更完美
To be sweet like a peach read more books enrich yourself to be more perfect

不是每一次的約會 你約我就出現
Not every date I will show up when you invite me
不是每一通的電話 你打來我都會接
Not every phone call, I'll take it when you call

愛情不是投入越快 就可以收獲更多
Love doesn't get more than it gets
喜歡被你送到家門 但不能請你喝咖啡
Like to be sent to your house but can't ask you for coffee

其實我渴望有一天 能夠透明一些
Actually, I'm eager to one day be able to be transparent.
心意全部被你知道 會珍惜不會驕傲
I will let you know all my feelings and you will treasure it instead of being proud

其實我真的喜歡你 但還沒有愛上你
Actually, I really like you, but I haven't fallen in love with you yet
希望你就是對的人 能和我彼此寵愛
I hope you're the right person and love me