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Monday, July 8, 2019

陳勢安 Andrew Tan - 再痛也沒關係 Even If It Hurts More, It Doesn't Matter

看不見愛情消失的痕跡 聽不見心
I can't see the traces of the disappearance of love
Broken moments
找不到一個同情字句 來偽裝這場大雨
Can't find a sympathetic sentence to disguise this heavy rain
被淋濕的過去 得不到安息
A sad past without no peaceful rest

抽一根沒有溫度的別離 寫一首自以為的悲情
Drawing a different temperature, writing a self-righteous tragedy
等一個預設的結局 好讓我輸到最徹底
Waiting for a default ending so I can lose the most thoroughly
我們之間丟下了 一個斷句 無法再繼續
We have dropped a sentence between us, we can't continue

我的心被你懸在 到不了的天際
My heart is hanging by you, the sky that can't reach
想念瀰漫著空氣 快不能呼吸
I miss the air, I can't breathe
一個人背著幸福練習 擁抱 卻沒有力氣
One person carrying happiness, exercises, hugs but with no strength
你穿過 我的身體 回頭卻來 不及
You pass through my body but I don't have time to go back

我的心被雨困在 揮不去的記憶
My heart is trapped in the rain, the memory that I can't beat
眼淚蒸發了思緒 不讓我看清
The tears evaporate my thoughts, don't let me see
兩個人變成一種或許 等待 也顯得多餘
Two people become a kind of maybe, waiting also seems unnecessary
這份愛 早就已經麻痺 再痛也 沒關係
This love has long been gone, even if it hurts, it doesn't matter

抽一根沒有溫度的別離 寫一首自以為的悲情
Drawing a different temperature, writing a self-righteous tragedy
等一個預設的結局 好讓我輸到最徹底
Waiting for a default ending so I can lose the most thoroughly
我們之間丟下了 一個斷句 無法再繼續
We have dropped a sentence between us, we can't continue

我的心被你懸在 到不了的天際
My heart is hanging by you, the sky that can't reach
想念瀰漫著空氣 快不能呼吸
I miss the air, I can't breathe
一個人背著幸福練習 擁抱 卻沒有力氣
One person carrying happiness, exercises, hugs but with no strength
你穿過 我的身體 回頭卻來 不及
You pass through my body but I don't have time to go back

我的心被雨困在 揮不去的記憶
My heart is trapped in the rain, the memory that I can't beat
眼淚蒸發了思緒 不讓我看清
The tears evaporate my thoughts, don't let me see
兩個人變成一種或許 等待 也顯得多餘
Two people become a kind of maybe, waiting also seems unnecessary
這份愛 早就已經麻痺 再痛也 沒關係
This love has long been gone, even if it hurts, it doesn't matter

我的心被你懸在 到不了的天際
My heart is hanging by you, the sky that can't reach
想念瀰漫著空氣 快不能呼吸
I miss the air, I can't breathe
一個人背著幸福練習 擁抱 卻沒有力氣
One person carrying happiness, exercises, hugs but with no strength
你穿過 我的身體 回頭卻來 不及
You pass through my body but I don't have time to go back

我的心被雨困在 揮不去的記憶
My heart is trapped in the rain, the memory that I can't beat
眼淚蒸發了思緒 不讓我看清
The tears evaporate my thoughts, don't let me see
兩個人變成一種或許 等待 也顯得多餘
Two people become a kind of maybe, waiting also seems unnecessary
這份愛 早就已經麻痺 再痛也 沒關係
This love has long been gone, even if it hurts, it doesn't matter