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Thursday, November 22, 2012

小宇 Xiao Yu - 終於說出口 Finally Said It

妳終於說出口 其實妳早就已經不愛我
You finally said it, that you actually stopped loving me a long time ago
為什麼要低著頭 妳知道這玩笑騙不倒我
Why do you keep your head down, you know you can't fool me with this joke
可是這不是玩笑 是要逃避妳離開我的理由
But this isn't a joke, it's avoiding your reason for leaving me
我還能做什麼 妳已經不愛我
What else can I do, you already don't love me
我一直都愛著妳 難道這還不
I have always loved you, is that not enough
我還要做什麼 妳才不離開我
What else do I have to do for you to not leave me
I already know you have no intention to keep on looking at me
You wholeheartedly want to leave me

我終於也說出口 其實很愛妳但從沒認真說過
I finally said it too, that actually I really love you but never sincerely said so
或許是我的錯 多在乎妳卻只放在心中
Perhaps it's my fault, I cared so much about you but kept it to myself
不要問我為什麼 因為愛妳這就是我的理由
Don't ask me why, because my reason is that I love you
我還能做什麼 妳已經不愛我
What else can I do, you already don't love me anymore
我一直都愛著妳 難道這還不
I have always loved you, is that not enough
我還要做什麼 妳才不離開我
What else do I have to do for you to not leave me
I know you already have no intention to keep on looking at me

沒什麼需要被原諒 我笑的有些牽強
There's nothing that needs to be forgiven, my smile is a bit forced
You know I've always been able to pretend that I'm not sad
不想看妳那麼累 多希望再給我機會
Oh I don't want to see you so tired, how I hope you would give me another chance
顫抖著我的手 握住的只是風
My trembling hands grasp nothing but the wind
我還能做什麼 妳已經不愛我
What else can I do, you already don't love me anymore
我一直都愛著妳 難道這還不
I have always loved you, is that not enough
我還要做什麼 妳才不離開我
What else do I have to do for you to not leave me
I know that you already have no intention to keep on looking at me
You wholeheartedly want to leave me

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

G.E.M. - 泡沫 Bubble

陽光下的泡沫 是彩色的
Bubbles under the sun are colorful
就像被騙的我 是幸福的 
Like me who is being cheated on is happy
追究什麼對錯 你的謊言 基於你還愛我
What is right or wrong? Your lies are only because you love me

美麗的泡沫 雖然一剎花火
Beautiful bubbles are just a spark of fireworks
你所有承諾 雖然都太脆弱
All your promises are just too fragile
但愛像泡沫 如果能夠看破 有什麼難過
But love is like bubbles, if you can see through it, what is there to be sad about?

早該知道泡沫 一觸就破
I should've known that over time the bubble will break
就像已傷的心 不勝折磨
Like a broken heart being tormented
也不是誰的錯 謊言再多 基於你還愛我
It's not anybody's fault, no matter how many lies you're saying, you're still loving me

美麗的泡沫 雖然一剎花火
Beautiful bubbles are just a spark of fireworks
你所有承諾 雖然都太脆弱
All your promises are just too fragile
但愛像泡沫 如果能夠看破 有什麼難過
But love is like bubbles, if you can see through it, what is there to be sad about?
再美的花朵 盛開過就凋落
Even when beautiful flowers bloom, they still wilt in the end
再亮眼的星 一閃過就墮落
Even when the stars shine bright, they will fall down anyways
愛本是泡沫 如果能夠看破 有什麼難過
Love is like bubbles, if you can see through it, what is there to be sad about?

為什麼難過 有什麼難過 為什麼難過
Why are you sad? What is there to be sad about? Why are you sad?

全都是泡沫 只一剎的花火
All of the bubbles are just a spark of fireworks
你所有承諾 全部都太脆弱
All your promises are just too fragile
而你的輪廓 怪我沒有看破 才如此難過
And your silhouette, I don't see it, it's so sad
相愛的把握 要如何再搜索
The mutual love, how should I search for it again
相擁著寂寞 難道就不寂寞
If I embrace loneliness, does it mean I'm not lonely anymore
愛本是泡沫 怪我沒有看破 才如此難過
Love is like bubbles, I don't see it, it's so sad

在雨下的泡沫 一觸就破
Bubbles under the rain break just by one touch
當初熾熱的心 早已沉沒
The passionate heart has already sunk long ago
說什麼你愛我 如果騙我 我寧願你沉默
Say what about loving me, if it's just lies, I would rather you remain silent

Friday, June 15, 2012

光良 Michael Wong - 约定 Promise

We promised
Not seeing each other for three years
With our love, the time wouldn't go away
You smiled and said, this is a test for us
Our promise

Just like this, three years have passed
And I come to this place again
Closed my eyes and waited for you to appear
Kissing your face in the air

I still remember
Our promise
The promise of happiness for a lifetime
Even the song I wrote for you
It also silently cried

I still remember
Our promise
and I love you more than in the past
Even the wind is laughing at me
I think it would tell you
I love you more now

Just like this, three years have passed
And I come to this place again
Closed my eyes and waited for you to appear
Kissing your face in the air

I still remember
Our promise
The promise of happiness for a lifetime
Even the song I wrote for you
It also silently cried

I still remember
Our promise
and I love you more than in the past
Even the wind is laughing at me
I think it would tell you
I love you more now

I still remember
Our promise
The promise of happiness for a lifetime
Even the song I wrote for you
It also silently cried

You will remember
Our promise
and I love you more than in the past
Even the wind is laughing at me
It surely will tell you
I love you more now

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

光良 Michael Wong - 第一次 The First Time

當你看著我 我沒有開口已被你猜透
When you look at me, I haven't opened my mouth but you have already figured it out
還是沒把握 還是沒有符合你的要求
I'm still not sure, if I meet your standards
是我自己想得太多 還是你也在閃
Am I overthinking it or are you avoiding me?
如果真的選擇是我 我鼓起勇氣去接受
If you've chosen me, I will muster up the courage to accept it
Unconsciously, my line of sight has been flickering

Oh, the first time that I said I loved you
It was hard to breathe, my heart wouldn't stop trembling
 第一次我 牽起你的雙手
Oh, the first time I held your hands
失去方向 不知該往那兒走
I lost my way, I didn't know which way to go
That was the reason for us to be in love
That's the two of us relying on each other

Oh, the first time I kissed your deep dimples
I wanted to be clear minded, but I became lost in thoughts
 第一次你 躺在我的胸口
Oh, the first time you laid on my chest
We didn't part for 24 hours
那是第一次知道 天長地久
That was the first time I knew what forever meant

是我自己想得太多 還是你也在閃
Am I overthinking it or are you avoiding me?
如果真的選擇是我 我鼓起勇氣去接受
If you've chosen me, I will muster up the courage to accept it
Unconsciously, my line of sight has been flickering

Oh, the first time that I said I loved you
It was hard to breathe, my heart wouldn't stop trembling
 第一次我 牽起你的雙手
Oh, the first time I held your hands
失去方向 不知該往那兒走
I lost my way, I didn't know which way to go
That was the reason for us to be in love
That's the two of us relying on each other

感覺你屬於我 感覺你的眼眸
I feel that you belong with me, I can feel it in your eyes
第一次就決定 絕不會
It's the first time I made up my mind, it simply can't be wrong

Oh, the first time that I said I loved you
It was hard to breathe, my heart wouldn't stop trembling
 第一次我 牽起你的雙手
Oh, the first time I held your hands
失去方向 不知該往那兒走
I lost my way, I didn't know which way to go
That was the reason for us to be in love
That's the two of us relying on each other

Oh, the first time I kissed your deep dimples
I wanted to be clear minded, but I became lost in thoughts
 第一次你 躺在我的胸口
Oh, the first time you laid on my chest
We didn't part for 24 hours
那是第一次知道 天長地久
That was the first time I knew what forever meant

光良 Michael Wong - 童話 Fairy Tale

忘了有多久 再没听到你
I have forgotten how long, I didn't hear you 对我说你 最爱的故事
Telling me your favorite story 我想了很久 我开始慌了
I have thought for a long time, I began to panic 是不是我又做错了什么
Did I do something wrong?
你哭着对我说 童话里都是骗人的
You cried and told me that things in fairy tales are lies 我不可能 是你的王子
I can't be your prince 也许你不会懂 从你说爱我以后
Maybe you don't understand after you said you love me 我的天空 星星都亮了
All the stars in my sky shone brightly
我愿变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
I'm willing to become an angel of the fairy tale that you love 张开双手 变成翅膀守护你
Opening both arms and turn into wings to protect you 你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
You must believe, believe that we will be like the ones in the fairy tale 幸福和快乐是结局
Happiness and joy is the ending
你哭着对我说 话里都是骗人
You cried and told me that things in fairy tales are lies我不可能 是你的王子
I can't be your prince许你不会懂 从你说爱我以
Maybe you don't understand after you said you love me我的天空 星星都亮了
All the stars in my sky shone brightly
我愿变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
I'm willing to become an angel of the fairy tale that you love张开双手 变成翅膀守护你
Opening both arms and turn into wings to protect you你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
You must believe, believe that we will be like the ones in the fairy tale幸福和快乐是结局
Happiness and joy is the ending 我愿变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
I'm willing to become an angel of the fairy tale that you love张开双手 变成翅膀守护你
Opening both arms and turn into wings to protect you你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
You must believe, believe that we will be like the ones in the fairy tale幸福和快乐是结局
Happiness and joy is the ending
我会变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
I will become an angel of the fairy tale that you love
张开双手 变成翅膀守护你
Opening both arms and turn into wings to protect you你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
You must believe, believe that we will be like the ones in the fairy tale幸福和快乐是结局
Happiness and joy is the ending
Let's write our ending together

Saturday, June 9, 2012

劉佳 Liu Jia - 愛的就是你 You Are The One I Love

无论我走到哪里 都不能停止想你
Wherever I go, I can't stop thinking about you 
亲爱的在我心里 没人比你更美丽
Darling, no one is more beautiful than you in my heart 
轻轻唱do re mi为你谱下一段旋律
Gently singing do re mi, I compose a melody for you 
Let the stars solve the mystery in the fairy tales
Oh my god 我已经爱上她 真实的表达
Oh my god I fell in love with her and expressed this truthfully 
It's like I drank a strange potion with magic
街上溜溜达达 还是不想回家
I wander the streets, unwilling to go home 
Watching a movie alone, chewing popcorn in my mouth
oh oh每分每秒都想和你通电话
oh oh I want to talk to you on the phone for every minute and every second 
飞到巴黎铁塔下 自在的喝奶咖
Fly to Paris and drink coffee freely under the Eiffel Tower 
去百慕大 看海和沙 跳森巴
Go to Bermuda, watch the ocean and sand, and dance samba 
点燃了火把 我们尽情唱吧
I lit up the torch, let's sing to our heart's content

我要爱 爱 爱的就是你可爱女孩
The one I want to love love love is you, lovely girl
天上星星我为你摘 所有帐单我来买
I'll grab the stars in the sky and all the bills I'll pay for you
跟我来 ye ye 耍帅 帽子一起歪歪戴
Follow me ye ye looking good wearing a crooked hat
全世界我只爱你一个 永不言改
You're the only one I love in this entire world, it will never change
看窗外出现彩虹 天空就会放晴
When a rainbow is outside, the sky will be cleared up 
公主和王子剧情害你哭红 了眼睛
The princess and prince's story made your eyes red from crying
六合彩你总赢 点双人份冰淇淋
You always win the lottery and order two serving of ice cream 
让所有情敌胆怯 比谁拳头更硬
I made all my rivals timid, comparing whose fist is stronger
你向左走 向右走 我陪你左右
You go left, then right, I'll go both directions with you 
满脑子都是你 不再想某 某 某
My thoughts are full of you, no longer thinking about anybody else
交通灯切换 红黄绿 恋爱要遵循的规律
The traffic light switches between red, yellow, green, It's the pattern that love needs to follow
别整天痛哭流涕 突然又笑的像喝了罐蜜
Don't cry miserably all day, 
Suddenly you smiled as if you drank honey
Baby baby honey like sweet candy
Baby baby honey like sweet candy
城堡的交响曲 哼唱着do re mi fa so la ci
The castle's symphony is singing do re mi fa so la ci
滴 滴 随时随地call你
I'll call you anytime and anywhere  
hey come on come on 我形影不离
hey come on come on we're inseparable
我要爱 爱 爱的就是你可爱女孩
The one I want to love love love is you, lovely girl
天上星星我为你摘 所有帐单我来买
I'll grab the stars in the sky and all the bills I'll pay for you
跟我来 ye ye 耍帅 帽子一起歪歪戴
Follow me ye ye looking good wearing a crooked hat
全世界我只爱你一个 永不言改
You're the only one I love in this entire world, it will never change

Love is like a tornado, we get drawn into it 
We're going to love dramatically until the sky falls and earth opens up 
爱难免会失控 也别装可怜虫
Love will inevitably run out of control, don't act pitiful
陷入 迷宫 惊恐 伤痛 难做英雄
Fell into a maze, frightened, hurt, hard to be a hero 
喜欢你笑啊 像鲜艳的花
I like it when you laugh, it's like a vivid flower 
偷偷传的情话 被报成八卦
The love quotes that were secretly spread were reported as gossip 
解开爱的密码 开心我随便刷
Unlucky the password of love, I'll swipe it when I'm happy
di la di di la di咒语被施法
di la di di la di the spell is cast
oh 想你 oh 爱你 在一起 永远永远不分离
oh miss you oh love you, be together, never ever separate
我要爱 爱 爱的就是你可爱女孩
The one I want to love love love is you, lovely gir
l天上星星我为你摘 所有帐单我来买
I'll grab the stars in the sky and all the bills I'll pay for you
跟我来 ye ye 耍帅 帽子一起歪歪戴
Follow me ye ye looking good wearing a crooked hat
全世界我只爱你一个 永不言改
You're the only one I love in this entire world, it will never change
我要爱 爱 爱的就是你可爱女孩
The one I want to love love love is you, lovely gir
l天上星星我为你摘 所有帐单我来买
I'll grab the stars in the sky and all the bills I'll pay for you
跟我来 ye ye 耍帅 帽子一起歪歪戴
Follow me ye ye looking good wearing a crooked hat
全世界我只爱你一个 永不言改
You're the only one I love in this entire world, it will never change

You are the one I want to love

Sunday, June 3, 2012

王藍茵 Tangerine Wong - 惡作劇 Prank

I can't find a good reason
To stop all these affections
It feels so strange
I'm sorry that I can't explain

I believe in the definition of love
Miracles will happen but not necessarily 
The clear gentle breeze
Might bring good news

一切新 有点冒
Everything is new, a little adventurous
Please tell me how to get to the end
No one understands
No one else like me is in love with a stranger

I think I will start to miss you
But I just happen to have met you
I wonder if this fateful meeting is just a prank
I think I'm slowly falling for you
Because I have the courage to love
I willingly played along with your prank
The prank you played

I can't find a good reason
To stop all these affections
It feels so strange
I'm sorry that I can't explain

I believe in the definition of love
Miracles will happen but not necessarily 
The clear gentle breeze
Might bring good news

我才发现 你很遥
I just found out that your eyes are dazzling
Please let me continue to look at your eyes
No one understands
No one else like me is in love with a stranger

I think I will start to miss you
But I just happen to have met you
I wonder if this fateful meeting is just a prank
I think I'm slowly falling for you
Because I have the courage to love
I willingly played along with your prank
The prank you played

Monday, May 28, 2012

黃鴻升 Alien Huang - 不屑 Disdain

It would be good if things are all that simple
I want to disappear
Die out in an instant
It would be good if people were heartless
Wouldn't bleed when hurt
Wouldn't cry when sad


I don't need a friend sharing the misery
I have no need for stupid pride
I don't need to beg for your longing to comfort myself

Just let me pretend that I don't care
Let loneliness multiply by double the loneliness
Allow me to reserve my last bit of rights
Excuse my broken heart for missing you


If my eyes are telling you that I don't care
That means maybe half of my heart is crippled
That half followed you the day you left
This half is slowly crumbling into pieces


It would be good if things are all that simple
I want to disappear
Die out in an instant
It would be good if people were heartless
Wouldn't bleed when hurt
Wouldn't cry when sad


I don't need a friend sharing the misery
I have no need for stupid pride
I don't need to beg for your longing to comfort myself


Just let me pretend that I don't care
Let loneliness multiply by double the loneliness
Allow me to reserve my last bit of rights
Excuse my broken heart for missing you


If my eyes are telling you that I don't care
That means maybe half of my heart is crippled
That half followed you the day you left
This half is slowly crumbling into pieces


If I still appear to not be caring
Don't try to convince me and convert my absolute pureness
I'm just some certain kind of extinction
Secretly had insomnia for a whole light year


If I still appear to not be caring
That's because of my own vanity

Thinking one day we might cross paths again

So that I can love you for the second time around