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Saturday, June 9, 2012

劉佳 Liu Jia - 愛的就是你 You Are The One I Love

无论我走到哪里 都不能停止想你
Wherever I go, I can't stop thinking about you 
亲爱的在我心里 没人比你更美丽
Darling, no one is more beautiful than you in my heart 
轻轻唱do re mi为你谱下一段旋律
Gently singing do re mi, I compose a melody for you 
Let the stars solve the mystery in the fairy tales
Oh my god 我已经爱上她 真实的表达
Oh my god I fell in love with her and expressed this truthfully 
It's like I drank a strange potion with magic
街上溜溜达达 还是不想回家
I wander the streets, unwilling to go home 
Watching a movie alone, chewing popcorn in my mouth
oh oh每分每秒都想和你通电话
oh oh I want to talk to you on the phone for every minute and every second 
飞到巴黎铁塔下 自在的喝奶咖
Fly to Paris and drink coffee freely under the Eiffel Tower 
去百慕大 看海和沙 跳森巴
Go to Bermuda, watch the ocean and sand, and dance samba 
点燃了火把 我们尽情唱吧
I lit up the torch, let's sing to our heart's content

我要爱 爱 爱的就是你可爱女孩
The one I want to love love love is you, lovely girl
天上星星我为你摘 所有帐单我来买
I'll grab the stars in the sky and all the bills I'll pay for you
跟我来 ye ye 耍帅 帽子一起歪歪戴
Follow me ye ye looking good wearing a crooked hat
全世界我只爱你一个 永不言改
You're the only one I love in this entire world, it will never change
看窗外出现彩虹 天空就会放晴
When a rainbow is outside, the sky will be cleared up 
公主和王子剧情害你哭红 了眼睛
The princess and prince's story made your eyes red from crying
六合彩你总赢 点双人份冰淇淋
You always win the lottery and order two serving of ice cream 
让所有情敌胆怯 比谁拳头更硬
I made all my rivals timid, comparing whose fist is stronger
你向左走 向右走 我陪你左右
You go left, then right, I'll go both directions with you 
满脑子都是你 不再想某 某 某
My thoughts are full of you, no longer thinking about anybody else
交通灯切换 红黄绿 恋爱要遵循的规律
The traffic light switches between red, yellow, green, It's the pattern that love needs to follow
别整天痛哭流涕 突然又笑的像喝了罐蜜
Don't cry miserably all day, 
Suddenly you smiled as if you drank honey
Baby baby honey like sweet candy
Baby baby honey like sweet candy
城堡的交响曲 哼唱着do re mi fa so la ci
The castle's symphony is singing do re mi fa so la ci
滴 滴 随时随地call你
I'll call you anytime and anywhere  
hey come on come on 我形影不离
hey come on come on we're inseparable
我要爱 爱 爱的就是你可爱女孩
The one I want to love love love is you, lovely girl
天上星星我为你摘 所有帐单我来买
I'll grab the stars in the sky and all the bills I'll pay for you
跟我来 ye ye 耍帅 帽子一起歪歪戴
Follow me ye ye looking good wearing a crooked hat
全世界我只爱你一个 永不言改
You're the only one I love in this entire world, it will never change

Love is like a tornado, we get drawn into it 
We're going to love dramatically until the sky falls and earth opens up 
爱难免会失控 也别装可怜虫
Love will inevitably run out of control, don't act pitiful
陷入 迷宫 惊恐 伤痛 难做英雄
Fell into a maze, frightened, hurt, hard to be a hero 
喜欢你笑啊 像鲜艳的花
I like it when you laugh, it's like a vivid flower 
偷偷传的情话 被报成八卦
The love quotes that were secretly spread were reported as gossip 
解开爱的密码 开心我随便刷
Unlucky the password of love, I'll swipe it when I'm happy
di la di di la di咒语被施法
di la di di la di the spell is cast
oh 想你 oh 爱你 在一起 永远永远不分离
oh miss you oh love you, be together, never ever separate
我要爱 爱 爱的就是你可爱女孩
The one I want to love love love is you, lovely gir
l天上星星我为你摘 所有帐单我来买
I'll grab the stars in the sky and all the bills I'll pay for you
跟我来 ye ye 耍帅 帽子一起歪歪戴
Follow me ye ye looking good wearing a crooked hat
全世界我只爱你一个 永不言改
You're the only one I love in this entire world, it will never change
我要爱 爱 爱的就是你可爱女孩
The one I want to love love love is you, lovely gir
l天上星星我为你摘 所有帐单我来买
I'll grab the stars in the sky and all the bills I'll pay for you
跟我来 ye ye 耍帅 帽子一起歪歪戴
Follow me ye ye looking good wearing a crooked hat
全世界我只爱你一个 永不言改
You're the only one I love in this entire world, it will never change

You are the one I want to love

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