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Thursday, November 22, 2012

小宇 Xiao Yu - 終於說出口 Finally Said It

妳終於說出口 其實妳早就已經不愛我
You finally said it, that you actually stopped loving me a long time ago
為什麼要低著頭 妳知道這玩笑騙不倒我
Why do you keep your head down, you know you can't fool me with this joke
可是這不是玩笑 是要逃避妳離開我的理由
But this isn't a joke, it's avoiding your reason for leaving me
我還能做什麼 妳已經不愛我
What else can I do, you already don't love me
我一直都愛著妳 難道這還不
I have always loved you, is that not enough
我還要做什麼 妳才不離開我
What else do I have to do for you to not leave me
I already know you have no intention to keep on looking at me
You wholeheartedly want to leave me

我終於也說出口 其實很愛妳但從沒認真說過
I finally said it too, that actually I really love you but never sincerely said so
或許是我的錯 多在乎妳卻只放在心中
Perhaps it's my fault, I cared so much about you but kept it to myself
不要問我為什麼 因為愛妳這就是我的理由
Don't ask me why, because my reason is that I love you
我還能做什麼 妳已經不愛我
What else can I do, you already don't love me anymore
我一直都愛著妳 難道這還不
I have always loved you, is that not enough
我還要做什麼 妳才不離開我
What else do I have to do for you to not leave me
I know you already have no intention to keep on looking at me

沒什麼需要被原諒 我笑的有些牽強
There's nothing that needs to be forgiven, my smile is a bit forced
You know I've always been able to pretend that I'm not sad
不想看妳那麼累 多希望再給我機會
Oh I don't want to see you so tired, how I hope you would give me another chance
顫抖著我的手 握住的只是風
My trembling hands grasp nothing but the wind
我還能做什麼 妳已經不愛我
What else can I do, you already don't love me anymore
我一直都愛著妳 難道這還不
I have always loved you, is that not enough
我還要做什麼 妳才不離開我
What else do I have to do for you to not leave me
I know that you already have no intention to keep on looking at me
You wholeheartedly want to leave me