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Thursday, January 9, 2020

邵雨薇 Ivy Shao - 星月 The Star and the Moon

星星怕一眨眼 月就会 消失不见
The star is scared that once it blinks, the moon will disappear
牵起她的手 诺会 陪在身
The moon holds her hand and promises to stay by her side

星月相 远相随
The star and the moon agree to stay together forever
Light up the world together
直到那天 月突然
Until the day that the moon suddenly
Goes back on his promise

星星挂在天 再也没有了月
The star hangs on the horizon, the moon is no longer there
She doesn't want to cry
And chooses not to fall
星星不再想念 决定自己照亮 这个世界
The star no longer misses the moon and chooses to light up the world alone
闪耀在没有 月的夜
Shining in the night without the moon
没有你的黑夜 (I'll keep on shining)
On the dark nights without you (I'll keep on shining)

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