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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

鄧紫棋 G.E.M - 透明 Selfless

愛著你  也愛著我
Loving you, also loving me
這是一種折磨  這是一種折磨
It's a torture, it's a torture

今夜無數的街燈  沿路陪著我
The countless street lights accompany me tonight
卻把我孤獨的裂縫  照得更寂寞
But I made my lonely crack more lonely
如果這是一個夢  注定沒結果
If this is a dream, destined to be nothing
那就讓它是個夢  醒來就解脫
Let it be a dream, let me wake up in relief

是否月光太煽情  讓我突然變得感性
Is the moonlight too sensational, making me suddenly emotional
孤掌難鳴  我孤身卻難以安靜
It's impossible to clap with one hand, I'm alone but it's hard to be quiet
睜開眼睛  我們的路無法看清
Open your eyes, our path can't be seen clearly
想閉上眼睛  把一切暫停
I want to close my eyes and pause everything

當我的世界出現了你  出現了你
When my world appears to you, appears to you
我看著自己變得透明  變得透明
I watch myself become transparent, transparent
Blaming myself for being too obsessed with you
Which makes me not like my usual self

在想念你的寂寞夜裡  寂寞夜裡
Missing you in this lonely night, lonely night
我想把自己變得透明  變得透明
I want to make myself transparent, transparent
I want to forget you completely
My heart is occupied by you

感覺我遇上你  就像綿羊遇上獅子
I feel like I've met you, like a sheep met a lion
我徘徊在愛你  還是愛自己的十字
I'm wandering around loving you, or loving my own cross
Wearing a mask when you shouldn't be disguised
What I'm saying to you is words I don't understand

你是太陽  我的星光  顯得多黯淡
You're the sun, my starlight, that seems more dim
你是海洋  你的輕狂  我無從反抗
You're the ocean, you're extremely frivolous, I can't resist
我越來越擅長  對自己說謊
I'm getting better and better at lying to myself
我想要你的綻放  就把我埋葬
I want your blossom, come and bury me

當我的世界出現了你  出現了你
When my world appears to you, appears to you
我看著自己變得透明  變得透明
I watch myself become transparent, transparent
Blaming myself for being too obsessed with you
Which makes me not like my usual self

在想念你的寂寞夜裡  寂寞夜裡
Missing you in this lonely night, lonely night
我想把自己變得透明  變得透明
I want to make myself transparent, transparent
I want to forget you completely
My heart is occupied by you

愛著你  也愛著我
Loving you, also loving me
這是一種折磨  這是一種折磨
It's a torture, it's a torture
難道愛著你  就要忘了我
Could I love you to the point of forgetting myself
這是一種折磨  這是一種折磨
It's a torture, it's a torture

當我的世界出現了你  出現了你
When my world appears to you, appears to you
我看著自己變得透明  變得透明
I watch myself become transparent, transparent
Blaming myself for being too obsessed with you
Which makes me not like my usual self

在想念你的寂寞夜裡  寂寞夜裡
Missing you in this lonely night, lonely night
我想把自己變得透明  變得透明
I want to make myself transparent, transparent
I want to forget you completely
My heart is occupied by you

愛著你   這是一種折磨 折磨
Loving you, it's a torture

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