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Thursday, October 3, 2019

蘇盈之 Wincci - 過得去 I'll Be Alright

過得去 過不去 那些話題很無趣
I can't go, I can't go, those topics are very boring
太在意 很兒戲 幸福過了有限期
Too concerned, very playful, happiness has expired
你的笑容裏 隱藏著玄機
A hidden mystery in your smile
沒人看得懂 會是誰的問題
Nobody can understand who will be the problem

我和你 沒關係 在這裏埋下回憶
I have nothing to do with you, I will bury my memories here
很可惜 連分手都說得不徹底
It is a pity that even the breakup is not thorough
我還不確定 可是很好奇
I am still not sure but I am very curious
Who will comfort you

絢麗煙火在空中 閃爍閃爍
Beautiful fireworks are flashing in the air
I am reflected in your eyes
Slowly, tears are falling down
Too sad until I used all my strength to dodge
Frankly, I have always been very happy
So I don't want to go

會有更好的際遇 讓你揮霍
There will be a better chance to let you throw away
分開不是壞結局 沒領悟大道理聽太多
Separation is not a bad ending, too many major principles but don't understand any of them
還是犯同一個錯 不再苛求
Still making the same mistake, no longer demanding
It will make me not care anymore

我和你 沒關係 在這裏埋下回憶
I have nothing to do with you, I will bury my memories here
很可惜 連分手都說得不徹底
It is a pity that even the breakup is not thorough
我還不確定 可是很好奇
I am still not sure but I am very curious
Who will comfort you

絢麗煙火在空中 閃爍閃爍
Beautiful fireworks are flashing in the air
I am reflected in your eyes
Slowly, tears are falling down
Too sad until I used all my strength to dodge
Frankly, I have always been very happy
So I don't want to go

會有更好的際遇 讓你揮霍
There will be a better chance to let you throw away
分開不是壞結局 沒領悟大道理聽太多
Separation is not a bad ending, too many major principles but don't understand any of them
還是犯同一個錯 不再苛求
Still making the same mistake, no longer demanding
It will make me not care anymore

We are so ignorant in the moonlight
Holding hands, I thought I could go to the end

絢麗煙火在空中 閃爍閃爍
Beautiful fireworks are flashing in the air
I am reflected in your eyes
Slowly, tears are falling down
Too sad until I used all my strength to dodge
Frankly, I have always been very happy
So I don't want to go

會有更好的際遇 讓你揮霍
There will be a better chance to let you throw away
分開不是壞結局 沒領悟大道理聽太多
Separation is not a bad ending, too many major principles but don't understand any of them
還是犯同一個錯 不再苛求
Still making the same mistake, no longer demanding
It will make me not care anymore