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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

王詩安 Diana Wang - 早熟 Too Young To Love

In your eyes, I'm just a very young girl
I only feel love in my heart and nothing else
You hold the distance between closeness and intimacy
我懂你的疼惜 你不懂我強忍的委屈
I understand your pity, you don't understand my grievances

在你的車子裡 我偷偷去忘記
In your car, I secretly forget
一根長髮 一個飾品 一支唇蜜
A long hair, an accessory, a lip gloss
渴望蔓延佔據 從生活到生命
Eager to spread and occupy from life to life
Use your heart to fill your heart with traces

你不懂暗戀讓人早熟 也讓人多寂寞
You don't know that secret love is premature and makes people lonely
明明錯了 卻還錯著 想祈求以後
Obviously wrong, but still wrong, I want to pray later
就算只是朋友 也堅持在左右
Even if it's just a friend stick to it
有界線 就不碰 惹為難 就不
Draw a line, don't touch it, don't say it
Simple pleasures that are sensible cannot be your burden

在你的車子裡 我偷偷去忘記
In your car, I secretly forget
一根長髮 一個飾品 一支唇蜜
A long hair, an accessory, a lip gloss
渴望蔓延佔據 從生活到生命
Eager to spread and occupy from life to life
Use your heart to fill your heart with traces

你不懂暗戀讓人早熟 也讓人多寂寞
You don't know that secret love is premature and makes people lonely
明明錯了 卻還錯著 想祈求以後
Obviously wrong, but still wrong, I want to pray later
就算只是朋友 也堅持在左右
Even if it's just a friend stick to it
有界線 就不碰 惹為難 就不
Draw a line, don't touch it, don't say it
Simple pleasures that are sensible cannot be your burden

沒有展開 就沒結束的時候
When there is no expansion, it is not over
我假裝哲學勸自己 想通
I pretend that philosophy persuaded myself to figure it out

雖然暗戀讓人早熟 也讓人多難過
Although the secret love is premature, it is also very sad
悄悄愛了 溫柔愛著 還是會有獲得
Quietly love, tender love, still have to get it
像曖昧的片刻 有心跳的感動
Like a moment, touched by a heartbeat
就算是不牽手 只摸摸我的頭
Even if you don't hold hands, just touch my head
假如別要太多 小幸福會覆蓋寂寞
If you don't want too much, little happiness will hide the loneliness