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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

李毓芬 Tia Lee - 是我不夠好 Not Good Enough

愛情裡面的成份 有多少比例是對等
The ingredients of love, how much of it are in equal ratio
你在等的那個人 投入是否也一樣深
That person whom you are waiting for, are they just committed as you
其實我們都不笨 看得出他愛有幾分
Honestly, we are not that stupid, we can see how little he loves
他喜歡忽熱忽冷 讓他世界保持可能
He likes switching between hot and cold, so he can keep his options open

是我還不夠好 所以他不願承認
I am not good enough, so he doesn't want to admit
承認他還想要鬧 保持這曖昧就好
Admit that he still wants to play around, just keeping this ambiguous relationship
是我還不夠好 所以他不願承認
I am not good enough, so he doesn't want to admit
承認我對他的好 承認我到底有多重要
Admit how well I treat him, admit just how important I am
Or maybe I'm not important

也許該下定決心了 別再為不值得的人
Maybe I should make a decision now, stop giving my all to people who are not worth it
付出再多 不懂得心疼 別在消費我的青春
Who don't understand my heartaches, to stop wasting my youth

是我還不夠好 所以他不願承認
I am not good enough, so he doesn't want to admit
承認他還想要鬧 保持這曖昧就好
Admit that he still wants to play around, just keeping this ambiguous relationship
是我還不夠好 所以他不願承認
I am not good enough, so he doesn't want to admit
承認我對他的好 承認我到底有多重要
Admit how well I treat him, admit just how important I am
Or maybe I'm not important

做他的朋友也好 做他的兄弟也好
It is fine to be his friend, it is fine to be his brother
做他的甚麼都好 別做情人就好
It is fine to be anything of his, Just not a lover
別再去庸人自擾 還要傷自己多少
Stop finding trouble for yourself, how much longer will you continue to hurt yourself
才發現原來一個人 也能過的很好
And then realize that you can live a good life by yourself
It's good being alone too