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Friday, October 4, 2019

蔡依林 Jolin Tsai - 說愛你 Say I Love You

My world has become wonderful and hard to describe
I thought it was a dream that fell from the sky
Until I am sure, the warmth from your hand comes from your heart
At this moment, I finally bravely said that I love you

From the start, I only looked at you
Pretending it to be an accident while my heart flew to you
Secretly happy that you didn't notice me in the corner
Busy being happy, busy being touched
From being strangers to getting to know each other
True love is something we've never imagined

证明自己,曾被你想起 really?
Want to prove that you've thought of me really
我胡思乱想,就从今天起 I wish
I think of everything and anything from today onward I wish
Like a trap, I've had no doubts in believing
If you really want, please give me a surprise

From the past until now, there have been no unexpected endings in love
Since that day, my whole logic has been disturbed
All my doubts, all answers are understood because of you
转呀转,就真的遇见 Mr. Right
Turn around, I really met Mr. Right

From the start, I only looked at you
Pretending it to be an accident while my heart flew to you
Secretly happy that you didn't notice me in the corner
Busy being happy, busy being touched
From being strangers to getting to know each other
True love is something we've never imagined

证明自己,曾被你想起 really?
Want to prove that you've thought of me really
我胡思乱想,就从今天起 I wish
I think of everything and anything from today onward I wish
Like a trap, I've had no doubts in believing
If you really want, please give me a surprise

From the past until now, there have been no unexpected endings in love
Since that day, my whole logic has been disturbed
All my doubts, all answers are understood because of you
转呀转,就真的遇见 Mr. Right
Turn around, I really met Mr. Right

My world has become wonderful and hard to describe
I thought it was a dream that fell from the sky
Until I am sure, the warmth from your hand comes from your heart
At this moment, I finally bravely said I love you

Thursday, October 3, 2019

蘇盈之 Wincci - 過得去 I'll Be Alright

過得去 過不去 那些話題很無趣
I can't go, I can't go, those topics are very boring
太在意 很兒戲 幸福過了有限期
Too concerned, very playful, happiness has expired
你的笑容裏 隱藏著玄機
A hidden mystery in your smile
沒人看得懂 會是誰的問題
Nobody can understand who will be the problem

我和你 沒關係 在這裏埋下回憶
I have nothing to do with you, I will bury my memories here
很可惜 連分手都說得不徹底
It is a pity that even the breakup is not thorough
我還不確定 可是很好奇
I am still not sure but I am very curious
Who will comfort you

絢麗煙火在空中 閃爍閃爍
Beautiful fireworks are flashing in the air
I am reflected in your eyes
Slowly, tears are falling down
Too sad until I used all my strength to dodge
Frankly, I have always been very happy
So I don't want to go

會有更好的際遇 讓你揮霍
There will be a better chance to let you throw away
分開不是壞結局 沒領悟大道理聽太多
Separation is not a bad ending, too many major principles but don't understand any of them
還是犯同一個錯 不再苛求
Still making the same mistake, no longer demanding
It will make me not care anymore

我和你 沒關係 在這裏埋下回憶
I have nothing to do with you, I will bury my memories here
很可惜 連分手都說得不徹底
It is a pity that even the breakup is not thorough
我還不確定 可是很好奇
I am still not sure but I am very curious
Who will comfort you

絢麗煙火在空中 閃爍閃爍
Beautiful fireworks are flashing in the air
I am reflected in your eyes
Slowly, tears are falling down
Too sad until I used all my strength to dodge
Frankly, I have always been very happy
So I don't want to go

會有更好的際遇 讓你揮霍
There will be a better chance to let you throw away
分開不是壞結局 沒領悟大道理聽太多
Separation is not a bad ending, too many major principles but don't understand any of them
還是犯同一個錯 不再苛求
Still making the same mistake, no longer demanding
It will make me not care anymore

We are so ignorant in the moonlight
Holding hands, I thought I could go to the end

絢麗煙火在空中 閃爍閃爍
Beautiful fireworks are flashing in the air
I am reflected in your eyes
Slowly, tears are falling down
Too sad until I used all my strength to dodge
Frankly, I have always been very happy
So I don't want to go

會有更好的際遇 讓你揮霍
There will be a better chance to let you throw away
分開不是壞結局 沒領悟大道理聽太多
Separation is not a bad ending, too many major principles but don't understand any of them
還是犯同一個錯 不再苛求
Still making the same mistake, no longer demanding
It will make me not care anymore

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

王詩安 Diana Wang - 早熟 Too Young To Love

In your eyes, I'm just a very young girl
I only feel love in my heart and nothing else
You hold the distance between closeness and intimacy
我懂你的疼惜 你不懂我強忍的委屈
I understand your pity, you don't understand my grievances

在你的車子裡 我偷偷去忘記
In your car, I secretly forget
一根長髮 一個飾品 一支唇蜜
A long hair, an accessory, a lip gloss
渴望蔓延佔據 從生活到生命
Eager to spread and occupy from life to life
Use your heart to fill your heart with traces

你不懂暗戀讓人早熟 也讓人多寂寞
You don't know that secret love is premature and makes people lonely
明明錯了 卻還錯著 想祈求以後
Obviously wrong, but still wrong, I want to pray later
就算只是朋友 也堅持在左右
Even if it's just a friend stick to it
有界線 就不碰 惹為難 就不
Draw a line, don't touch it, don't say it
Simple pleasures that are sensible cannot be your burden

在你的車子裡 我偷偷去忘記
In your car, I secretly forget
一根長髮 一個飾品 一支唇蜜
A long hair, an accessory, a lip gloss
渴望蔓延佔據 從生活到生命
Eager to spread and occupy from life to life
Use your heart to fill your heart with traces

你不懂暗戀讓人早熟 也讓人多寂寞
You don't know that secret love is premature and makes people lonely
明明錯了 卻還錯著 想祈求以後
Obviously wrong, but still wrong, I want to pray later
就算只是朋友 也堅持在左右
Even if it's just a friend stick to it
有界線 就不碰 惹為難 就不
Draw a line, don't touch it, don't say it
Simple pleasures that are sensible cannot be your burden

沒有展開 就沒結束的時候
When there is no expansion, it is not over
我假裝哲學勸自己 想通
I pretend that philosophy persuaded myself to figure it out

雖然暗戀讓人早熟 也讓人多難過
Although the secret love is premature, it is also very sad
悄悄愛了 溫柔愛著 還是會有獲得
Quietly love, tender love, still have to get it
像曖昧的片刻 有心跳的感動
Like a moment, touched by a heartbeat
就算是不牽手 只摸摸我的頭
Even if you don't hold hands, just touch my head
假如別要太多 小幸福會覆蓋寂寞
If you don't want too much, little happiness will hide the loneliness

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

李毓芬 Tia Lee - 是我不夠好 Not Good Enough

愛情裡面的成份 有多少比例是對等
The ingredients of love, how much of it are in equal ratio
你在等的那個人 投入是否也一樣深
That person whom you are waiting for, are they just committed as you
其實我們都不笨 看得出他愛有幾分
Honestly, we are not that stupid, we can see how little he loves
他喜歡忽熱忽冷 讓他世界保持可能
He likes switching between hot and cold, so he can keep his options open

是我還不夠好 所以他不願承認
I am not good enough, so he doesn't want to admit
承認他還想要鬧 保持這曖昧就好
Admit that he still wants to play around, just keeping this ambiguous relationship
是我還不夠好 所以他不願承認
I am not good enough, so he doesn't want to admit
承認我對他的好 承認我到底有多重要
Admit how well I treat him, admit just how important I am
Or maybe I'm not important

也許該下定決心了 別再為不值得的人
Maybe I should make a decision now, stop giving my all to people who are not worth it
付出再多 不懂得心疼 別在消費我的青春
Who don't understand my heartaches, to stop wasting my youth

是我還不夠好 所以他不願承認
I am not good enough, so he doesn't want to admit
承認他還想要鬧 保持這曖昧就好
Admit that he still wants to play around, just keeping this ambiguous relationship
是我還不夠好 所以他不願承認
I am not good enough, so he doesn't want to admit
承認我對他的好 承認我到底有多重要
Admit how well I treat him, admit just how important I am
Or maybe I'm not important

做他的朋友也好 做他的兄弟也好
It is fine to be his friend, it is fine to be his brother
做他的甚麼都好 別做情人就好
It is fine to be anything of his, Just not a lover
別再去庸人自擾 還要傷自己多少
Stop finding trouble for yourself, how much longer will you continue to hurt yourself
才發現原來一個人 也能過的很好
And then realize that you can live a good life by yourself
It's good being alone too