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Monday, August 5, 2019

張杰 Jason Zhang - 逆戰 Anti-war

Stormy teenagers appear on this windy battlefield
Noisy whole world in overcoming the roar of the fire

硝煙狂飛的訊號 機甲時代正來到熱血逆流而上
The signal of smoke flying, the age of machine armor is coming to the hot blood against the current
戰車在發燙 勇士也勢不可擋
The chariots are burning, and the warriors are unstoppable

Come on逆戰 逆戰來也
Come on anti-war, come back to the anti-war
王牌要狂野 闖蕩宇宙擺平世界
Ace wants to go wild, run into the universe and smooth the world
Oh 逆戰 逆戰狂野 王牌要發洩
Oh anti-war wild Ace to Vent
Fighting is our starting point

我要操控我的權勢 張揚我的聲勢看這場龍戰在野
I'm going to manipulate my power, show my voice, watch this dragon battle in the wild.
這戰場 千百熱血戰士 一路向前飛馳
This battlefield, hundreds of blooded warriors, are flying all the way forward
捍衛世界的勇士 Fighting 再一決
Fighting, the warrior who defends the world, is on its back

兄弟一場 未來繼續頑強
Brother a fight the future continues to be tenacious
看著戰火飄搖 瓦解對手力量
Watching the war shake and disintegrate the opponent's power
Raging momentum to start again