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Friday, June 19, 2020

張語噥 Sammy - No More

裝 沒注意 你和她靠近
She pretends not to notice you and her
我卻 不在意 你編織的劇情
But I don't care about the plot you plan
搖擺不定 你內心 還是來來去去
Confused you might still come and go
Oh隨便 你要怎樣後悔 是你不夠
Oh whatever you want to regret, you are not enough
珍惜 現在起 沒時間 把專注交給你 no
Cherish now and no time to focus on you from now on no

Goodbye Goodbye 不再聽 無理對白
Goodbye Goodbye no longer listen to unreasonable dialogue
不再 不再 停留著 讓你傷害
No longer, no longer let you get hurt
把繩索拋開 刪除了阻礙
Throw the rope away and remove the obstacles
Goodbye 不再 接受你 隨意安排
Goodbye No longer accepts you at will

No more no more
No more no more
No more no more
No more no more

把 心關閉 綻放的氣息
Close your heart and exhale
抱歉 我已經 不介意 誰代替
Sorry I don't mind who replaces
搖擺不定 你內心 還是來來去去
Confused you still might come and go
Oh隨便 你要怎樣後悔 是你不夠
Oh whatever you want to regret, you are not enough
珍惜 現在起 沒時間 把專注交給你 no
Cherish now and no time to focus on you from now on

Goodbye Goodbye 不再聽 無理對白
Goodbye Goodbye no longer listen to unreasonable dialogue
不再 不再 停留著 讓你傷害
No longer, no longer let you get hurt
把繩索拋開 刪除了阻礙
Throw the rope away and remove the obstacles
Goodbye 不再 接受你 隨意安排
Goodbye No longer accepts you at will

現在起把你 刪除我的口味
From now onward, delete you from my life
I’m not alone not lonely 再不需要你陪
I'm not alone not lonely, I don't need you anymore
我想你會後悔 找不到和我如此般配
I think you will regret it, you can't find one like me which matches you so much
拒絕再圍繞你的世界 yea boy
Refuse to surround your world again ya boy
I don’t wanna see you no more

Goodbye Goodbye 不再聽 無理對白
Goodbye Goodbye no longer listen to unreasonable dialogue
不再 不再 停留著 讓你傷害
No longer, no longer let you get hurt
把繩索拋開 刪除了阻礙
Throw the rope away and remove the obstacles
Goodbye 不再 接受你 隨意安排
Goodbye No longer accepts you at will

No more no more
No more no more
No more no more
No more no more
No more no more

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