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Friday, June 5, 2020

馮提莫 Feng Timo - Minimanimo

Ja Minimanimo Minimanimo
有一種美好 就是剛剛好
There is a beauty that is just right
煩惱或疲勞 你安慰擁抱
Trouble or tired, you comfort and hug me
所有都取消 說來也奇妙
It's wonderful to have it all go away

夢想的門票 陪著我尋找
The ticket to the dream, find it with me
Minimanimo Minimanimo
Minimanimo Minimanimo
不遲也不早 愛你剛剛好
It's neither too late nor too early just the right time to love you

手上這個蘋果 有人說好甜
This apple in my hand, some people say it's sweet
有人說好苦 你不品嚐 怎麼知道
Some people say it's hard, you don't taste it, how will you know
旅程精不精彩 不穿越隧道
The journey isn't wonderful, if you don't pass through the tunnel
你怎麼會知道 那風景多美妙
How do you know how beautiful that scenery is

你眼晴 和微笑 已佔據我大腦
I can't stop thinking about your eyes and your smile
我等著你表白 大聲說
I'm waiting for you to confess
I am your pride

Hey I'm Loving You
Come on baby kiss me now
何必再探討 抓緊愛的訊號
Why still explore, catch the signal of love

Ja Minimanimo Minimanimo
有一種美好 就是剛剛好
There is a beauty that is just right
煩惱或疲勞 你安慰擁抱
Trouble or tired, you comfort and hug me
所有都取消 說來也奇妙
It's wonderful to have it all go away

夢想的門票 陪著我尋找
The ticket to the dream, find it with me
Minimanimo Minimanimo
Minimanimo Minimanimo
不遲也不早 愛你剛剛好
It's neither too late nor too early just the right time to love you

Everyday I'm dreaming
We starring in a movie
We acting like we about to eat some breakfast at Tiffany's

You and me promise me
Like there's no tomorrow
Letting you talk this time
Forever you gonna be mine

You never ever let me go I trust you always
Even though you let me low Don't worry about that
Before you regret it already been decided
I may follow you where ever you go and Minimanimo

深呼吸 來親吻 來衝擊我心跳
Take a deep breath and kiss, a shock to my heart
我等著你表白 大聲說
I'm waiting for you to confess
How important I am to you

Hey I'm Loving You
Come on baby hug me now
轟烈愛一場 明天無法預料
Love vigorously, tomorrow is unpredictable

Ja Minimanimo Minimanimo
有一種美好 就是剛剛好
There is a beauty that is just right
煩惱或疲勞 你安慰擁抱
Trouble or tired, you comfort and hug me
所有都取消 說來也奇妙
It's wonderful to have it all go away

夢想的門票 陪著我尋找
The ticket to the dream, find it with me
Minimanimo Minimanimo
Minimanimo Minimanimo
不遲也不早 愛你剛剛好
It's neither too late nor too early just the right time to love you

儘管地球會崩壞 我只要和你戀愛
Even though the Earth breaks apart, I only want to fall in love with you
決定永遠不分開 Please don't say good bye
Decided not to breakup ever Please don't say good bye
就算末日快要到來 請你讓我靠在你的懷里安靜等待
Even if the end of the world is coming, please let me stay in your arms and wait silently
甜蜜的承諾 未來沒來先把我寵壞 Oh
Sweet promise, even though the future hasn't come yet spoil me first Oh

Ja Minimanimo Minimanimo
有一種美好 就是剛剛好
There is a beauty that is just right
煩惱或疲勞 你安慰擁抱
Trouble or tired, you comfort and hug me
所有都取消 說來也奇妙
It's wonderful to have it all go away

夢想的門票 陪著我尋找
The ticket to the dream, find it with me
Minimanimo Minimanimo
Minimanimo Minimanimo
不遲也不早 愛你剛剛好
It's neither too late nor too early just the right time to love you

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