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Monday, December 23, 2019

邱鋒澤 Feng Ze & 采子 Cai Zi - 回頭看看我 Remember Me

Weaving through the lonely nights
Reminiscing the past mistakes
為了她 的沈默
Enduing her silence
這樣 承受
I have to accept

I hope we could reconcile one day
Silently waiting for the promise we once made
嚮往陪 他生活
Longing to be with him
冷卻 難過
For the sadness to disappear

I'm looking for all the clues related to you
I feel your sadness even when you're smiling
Maybe you have forgotten that
從未 回頭
I am always here for you

Ever since you left, all I feel is sadness
It consumes me and I can't just pull away
試圖讓你 能發現我 我在這
I just want to let you know I'm here
回頭 看看我
Remember me

Unwilling to let go of the good times
You can't even save me with love
不是你 就不同
If it's not you, it's not the same
縱容 蹉跎
Even if it's a waste of time

I'm looking for all the clues related to you
I feel your sadness even when you're smiling
Maybe you have forgotten that
從未 回頭
I am always here for you

Ever since you left, all I feel is sadness
It consumes me and I can't just pull away
試圖讓你 能發現我 我在這
I just want to let you know I'm here
回頭 看看我
Remember me

潰堤的晝夜 I don’t want to lose you
Drowning in sorrow, I don't want to lose you
我聲嘶力竭 I don’t want to lose you
Feeling helpless and exhausted, I don't want to lose you
耗盡了眼淚 I don’t want to lose you
Tears all dried up, I don't want to lose you
Remember me

別說無所謂 I don’t want to lose you
Don't say it doesn't matter, I don't want to lose you
卑微的想念 I don’t want to lose you
Secretly missing you, I don't want to lose you
強忍著傷悲 I don’t want to lose you
Trying to hold back my memories, I don't want to lose you
Remember me

Friday, December 20, 2019

小潘潘 Xiao Pan Pan & 小峰峰 Xiao Feng Feng - 懷念那時候 Miss That Time

我不知該怎麼去回應 所以我只能夠放棄
I don't know what to reply, so I can only give up
你總愛說太多的道理 你還是只愛自己
You always love to say too many excuses, you only love yourself
一直一直懷疑 一直一直抽泣
I always suspected you have been crying all this time
失去當初的默契 你的溫柔還是很熟悉
The original tacit understanding has been lost, your gentleness is still very familiar
So I lied to myself

你還記不記得 相戀在那個夏天
Do you still remember that you fell in love that summer
天氣太熱手心出汗 想把你手牽
The weather was too hot, I was sweating, wanting to hold you
那年是2013 一切是那麼簡單
That year was 2013, everything was so simple
I want to be with you, simply by your side
轉眼之間 突然就到了冬天
In a blink of an eye, it's suddenly winter
You take me to the roadside booth next to your school
最愛的烤冷麵 不加辣的過橋米線
And order your favorite noodles over non-spicy rice noodles
你餵我吃的瞬間 秀了隔壁老闆一臉
The moment you feed me, I showed my face to the boss next door

可是好景不長 我們在慢慢成長
But good times don't last long, we are slowly growing
慢慢的欣賞 慢慢的你竟然也學會了說謊
Slowly appreciate, slowly you even learned to lie
你開始對我隱藏 秘密也不再分享
You start to hide from me, and no longer share secrets with me
Until you say I'm no longer the future in your dreams
Cause baby you don't understand me
Right now, all my love is in the past
我懷念你的眼睛 看我時清澈透明
I miss your eyes, clear and transparent when they were looking at me
當我逐漸清醒 淚水又再次模糊我的眼睛
When I gradually wake up, tears blur my eyes again

我不知該怎麼去回應 所以我只能夠放棄
I don't know how to respond, so I can only give up
你總愛說太多的道理 你還是只愛自己
You always love to say too much, you still just love yourself
一直一直懷疑 一直一直抽泣
I keep wondering, I keep crying
失去當初的默契 你的溫柔還是很熟悉
I lost the original feeling, your tenderness is still familiar
So I lied to myself

你的一顰一笑 在我記憶環繞
Your smile is wrapped in my memory
The bear in the room still has your smell
You are too arrogant, I don't want you to know
I don't know how to express it, when I say it, it's messy
你現在好嗎 你現在真的好嗎
How are you, are you really doing good now?
Are you really better now then before?
The friends who blocked you, can't help but watch
可是每次看完 都會徹夜輾轉
But every time I watched it, I walked all night long

我喜歡你牽著我的手 笑著吻我額頭
I like you holding my hand, smiling and kissing my forehead
Those were the best times ever

Oh baby只想給你所有溫柔
Oh baby just want to give you all the warmth
給你我的溫暖 給你最好的我 給你未來和以後
Give you my warmth, give you the best, give you the future with me after

我不知該怎麼去回應 所以我只能夠放棄
I don't know how to respond, so I can only give up
你總愛說太多的道理 你還是只愛自己
You always love to say too much, you still just love yourself
一直一直懷疑 一直一直抽泣
I keep wondering, I keep crying
失去當初的默契 你的溫柔還是很熟悉
I lost the original feeling, your tenderness is still familiar
So I lied to myself

懷念那時候 懷念那時候
I miss that time, I miss that time
I miss that time when you were with me
牽著你的手 沒想過以後
Holding your hand and not thinking about what would happen later
Unfortunately in the end, our relationship was gone

懷念那時候 懷念那時候
I miss that time, I miss that time
I miss that time when you were with me
牽著你的手 沒想過以後
Holding your hand and not thinking about what would happen later
Unfortunately in the end, our relationship was gone

我不知該怎麼去回應 所以我只能夠放棄
I don't know how to respond, so I can only give up
你總愛說太多的道理 你還是只愛自己
You always love to say too much, you still just love yourself
一直一直懷疑 一直一直抽泣
I keep wondering, I keep crying
失去當初的默契 你的溫柔還是很熟悉
I lost the original feeling, your tenderness is still familiar
所以我騙了自己 (懷念那時候的你)
So I lied to myself (I miss that time with you)