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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

于文文 Kelly Yu - 體面 Dignity

Don't let your sentiments blind you
The plot has become absurd 深愛了多年又何必
After loving each other for so many years, we shouldn't 毀了經典 ruin what we had
We have already grown up and should let the past go 浪費時間是我情願
It was my choice to waste time with you 像謝幕的演員
Like actors on curtain call 眼看著燈光熄滅
Watching the lights go out 來不及
It's too late 再轟轟烈烈
to relive our days of passion 就保留
let us say 告別的尊嚴
our goodbyes with dignity 我愛你不後悔
I don't regret loving you 也尊重故事結尾
and appreciate the end of our story 分手應該體面
Even after a break up, we should have dignity 誰都不要說抱歉
There's no need to be sorry 何來虧欠
Don't feel guilty 我敢給就敢心碎
Because I dared to love, I'm not afraid of getting a broken heart 鏡頭前面是從前的我們在喝彩
In the front of the camera, we could see that we were happy in the past
And now we are crying 離開也很體面
Even when we leave, we should have dignity 才沒辜負這些年
Since we have loved for many years 愛得熱烈認真付出的畫面
A picture full of love and warmth
Don't let the obsession 毀掉了昨天
ruin yesterday 我愛過你
Although I have really loved you 利落乾脆
I will try to forget about you completely 最熟悉的街主角卻
In the most familiar street 換了人演
we could see that the protagonist has changed 我哭到哽咽心再痛
I have been crying a lot along with a heartache 就當破繭
just like breaking through 來不及
It's too late 再轟轟烈烈
to relive our days of passion
let us say 告別的尊嚴
our goodbyes with dignity 我愛你不後悔
I don't regret loving you 也尊重故事結尾
and appreciate the end of our story
Even when we leave, we should have dignity 才沒辜負這些年
Since we have loved for many years 愛得熱烈認真付出的畫面
A picture full of love and warmth
Don't let the obsession 毀掉了昨天
ruin yesterday 我愛過你
Although I have really loved you 利落乾脆
I will try to forget about you completely

Even when we leave, we should have dignity 才沒辜負這些年
Since we have loved for many years 愛得熱烈認真付出的畫面
A picture full of love and warmth
Don't let the obsession 毀掉了昨天
ruin yesterday 我愛過你
Although I have really loved you 利落乾脆
I will try to forget about you completely
再見不負遇見 The dignity from our goodbyes makes me feel worthy having loved you

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