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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

謝和弦 R-chord - 謝謝妳愛我 Thanks For Your Love

要不是你在我身旁 我不知道那些日子該怎麼堅強
If not because you're by my side I do not know how strong those days are
還好有你的陪伴 要不然我早就已迷失了方向
Fortunately, you still accompany me otherwise I have lost the direction
要不是你給我力量 我不知道該怎麼獨自面對黑暗
If not because you gave me a strength, I don't know hot to face the dark alone
我想我已經習慣 靜靜的躺在你的懷中 變勇敢
I think I'm used to quietly lying in your arms and become brave

親愛的 謝謝你愛我 雖然我像個小孩
Oh my dear thank for loving me, although I'm like a child
脾氣壞 固執任性機歪 還有點變態
Bad temper, stubborn, and slightly distorted
可是有你在 我就會乖乖 你就是我的剋星我的最愛
But because you're here, I will be obedient to you, you are my favorite nemesis

親愛的 謝謝你愛我 雖然我真的很帥
Oh my dear thank you for loving me, though I'm so handsome
很多人 說我像金城武 真的不意外
I'm not surprised that a lot of people say that I look like Jincheng Wu (Takeshi Kaneshiro)
因為有你在 我看到未來
Because you're here, I can see the future
你就是我將來要娶的老婆 謝太太
You are the wife I will marry in the future. Thank you, my lady

要不是你在我身旁 我不知道那些日子該怎麼堅強
If not because you're by my side I do not know how strong those days are
還好有你的陪伴 要不然我早就已迷失了方向
Fortunately, you still accompany me otherwise I have lost the direction
要不是你給我力量 我不知道該怎麼獨自面對黑暗
If not because you gave me a strength, I don't know hot to face the dark alone
我想我已經習慣 靜靜的躺在你的懷中 變勇敢
I think I'm used to quietly lying in your arms and become brave

親愛的 謝謝你愛我 雖然我像個小孩
Oh my dear thank for loving me, although I'm like a child
脾氣壞 固執任性機歪 還有點變態
Bad temper, stubborn, and slightly distorted
可是有你在 我就會乖乖 你就是我的剋星我的最愛
But because you're here, I will be obedient to you, you are my favorite nemesis

親愛的 謝謝你愛我 雖然我真的很帥
Oh my dear thank you for loving me, though I'm so handsome
很多人 說我像金城武 真的不意外
I'm not surprised that a lot of people say that I look like Jincheng Wu (Takeshi Kaneshiro)
因為有你在 我看到未來
Because you're here, I can see the future
你就是我將來要娶的老婆 謝太太 (謝太太)
You are the wife I will marry in the future. Thank you, my lady

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