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Friday, September 5, 2014

魔幻力量 MP - 我還是愛著你 I Still Love You

You silently crashed into my life
Silently, but unforgettably
From the first time I saw you
I fell deeply in love with you
Can you lend me one second and look at me for once
My gentleness can do anything for you 
越沉醉越沉退 越濃烈越遙遠 
The more infatuated I became, the more I retreated, the more intense the love, the further I am from you
我不怕醉 心不怕碎 只要你一眼 
I'm not scared of being drunk and my heart is not afraid of getting broken, just wanting a look from you

我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理 
I still love you, you are still being cold to me
我還是愛著你 我仍無法前進 
I still love you, I still can't seem to move on
你是我的生命 再煎熬也不能抽離  
You are my life, I can't seem to pull away no matter how torturous it may be 你的笑容聲音眼神呼吸無法忘記 
Your smile, your voice, your eyes, your breaths, I am unable to forget it all

我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理
I still love you, you are still being cold to me 我還是愛著你 看不見我的你 
I still love you, you who can't seem to notice me 你是我的秘密 再透明也不能說明 
You are my secret, as clear as it is, I can't explain 終究只是意外只准心酸只能遺憾
After all, it's just an accident, only letting my heart feel sadness and regret 我還是愛著你 
I still love you

Has your heart ever skipped a beat because of me 就算那種曖昧只是一眼瞬間 
Even if that kind of ambiguity is only for a brief moment 越期待越失態 越依賴越貪婪 
The more I anticipated the more I lost my manners, the more I relied on, the more greedy I got
為你燦爛 為你蹣跚 直到了無遺憾 

I am willing to shine for you, stumble for you, until I'm left with no regrets 我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理 

我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理 
I still love you, you are still being cold to me
我還是愛著你 我仍無法前進 
I still love you, I still can't seem to move on
你是我的生命 再煎熬也不能抽離  
You are my life, I can't seem to pull away no matter how torturous it may be你的笑容聲音眼神呼吸無法忘記 
Your smile, your voice, your eyes, your breaths, I am unable to forget it all
我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理
I still love you, you are still being cold to me我還是愛著你 看不見我的你 
I still love you, you who can't seem to notice me你是我的秘密 再透明也不能說明 
You are my secret, as clear as it is, I can't explain終究只是意外只准心酸只能遺憾
After all, it's just an accident, only letting my heart feel sadness and regret我還是愛著你 
I still love you

我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理

I still love you, you are still being cold to me
我還是愛著你 想牽走你的心 
I still love you, I want to take your heart away 你是我的奇蹟 心碎後的淒美餘音 
You are my miracle, the bittersweet resonance after my heart has broken

After all, it's just an accident, only letting my heart feel sadness and regret
I still love you

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