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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

閻奕格 Janice Yan - 也可以 Might As Well

怎麼會只剩下自己 還不想認輸
How can it be that oneself remains, but still not admit defeat
用盡力氣用笑撐住 說好這次不許
Used all the strength, supported oneself with laughter and said this time don't cry
怎麼會連難以呼吸 還不說痛
How can it be difficult to breathe but still not say it's painful
武裝自己從不失誤 卻比任何人無助
Pretending never to make mistakes when you are the most helpless one

當時間不為誰而破例 讓愛延續下一集
When the time doesn't make an exception for anyone, let love continue to the next episode
你可不可以輕輕的鬆開 自己
Can you gently open up yourself

就算你想放棄也可以 失去也可以
It's alright if you want to give up or let go
別再步步進逼 不留餘地愛只會窒息
Don't try to push it, a love without any room will only suffocate
就算多難捨的過去 最後還是會過去
It's hard to give up the past but eventually, it will pass
懷念的擁抱和那體温 用微笑平息
Missing the embrace and warmth that can be ceased with a smile

就算你想流淚也可以 任性也可以
It's alright if you want to cry or be willful
別再苦苦壓抑 鎖上情緒心會更封閉
Don't suppress the suffering, locked up emotions will only let your heart be more closed
就算多難捨的淚滴 最後不讓你沈溺
No matter how hard it is to not cry, they won't drown you in the end
就算一個人 至少還有自己
Even if you are alone, you still have yourself

怎麼會一再的想念 還不說在
How can you keep missing me yet still say you don't care
渾身解數想要逃出 卻什麼也留不住
I'm trying to escape but I can't keep anything

當時間不為誰而破例 讓愛延續下一集
When the time doesn't make an exception for anyone, let love continue to the next episode
你可不可以輕輕的鬆開 自己
Can you gently open up yourself

就算你想放棄也可以 失去也可以
It's alright if you want to give up or let go
別再步步進逼 不留餘地愛只會窒息
Don't try to push it, a love without any room will only suffocate
就算多難捨的過去 最後還是會過去
It's hard to give up the past but eventually, it will pass
懷念的擁抱和那體温 用微笑平息
Missing the embrace and warmth that can be ceased with a smile

就算你想流淚也可以 任性也可以
It's alright if you want to cry or be willful
別再苦苦壓抑 鎖上情緒心會更封閉
Don't suppress the suffering, locked up emotions will only let your heart be more closed
就算多難捨的淚滴 最後不讓你沈溺
No matter how hard it is to not cry, they won't drown you in the end
就算一個人 至少還有自己
Even if you are alone, you still have yourself

When the world doesn't hurt because it doesn't understand your heart
Considerately, let you return to the previous scene
還有那熱烈的曾經 伴隨著你前行
You still have that passionate past to accompany you as you move forward

就算你想流淚也可以 任性也可以
It's alright if you want to cry or be willful
別再苦苦壓抑 鎖上情緒心會更封閉
Don't suppress the suffering, locked up emotions will only let your heart be more closed
就算多難捨的淚滴 最後不讓你沈溺
No matter how hard it is to not cry, they won't drown you in the end
就算一個人 至少還有自己
Even if you are alone, you still have yourself

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Popu Lady - 妳說他 All About Him

如果他是 真的那麼驕傲
If he really is that arrogant
怎會輕易 就邂逅他的微笑
How can it be that I keep seeing him smile?
飲料店 圖書館 又或是 教室一角
At the beverage shop, the library or even in the corner of the classroom
好像我 一抬頭就能遇到
It seems like he's there every time I look up

我的偶像 竟沒被他嘲笑
He didn't mock my idol
是否他真 比較懂我的煩惱
Does he really understand my worries?
還是說 他只是 比別人 更有禮貌
He says that he's more polite than anyone else
這種問題 怎會讓我困擾
How come this question makes me puzzled

妳說他 會不會也 正在聊著我
You said he would be talking about me
像聊起一個好朋友 還是心也這樣亂跳
Would he mention me as if I'm a good friend or would his heart beat crazily like mine
妳說他 會不會 也很想知道
You said would he really want to know
我未完的心事 要不要先預告
My unfinished thoughts, should I tell him a little

這次闖禍 還好有他撐著
I got into trouble, luckily he was there to help
才不擔心 天會不會快塌了
So I don't have to worry even if the sky were to fall
原來被 保護著 是真的 比較快樂
Being protected is such a nice feeling
我也想我 能為他做什麼
I also want to do something for him

妳說他 會不會也 正在聊著我
You said he would be talking about me
像聊起一個好朋友 還是心也這樣亂跳
Would he mention me as if I'm a good friend or would his heart beat crazily like mine
妳說他 會不會 也很想知道
You said would he really want to know
我未完的心事 要不要先預告
My unfinished thoughts, should I tell him a little

別說 這其實只是我自己想太多
Don't tell me that it's just me overthinking
You know that I'm not good at dreaming up these scenarios

妳說他 會不會也 正在聊著我
You said he would be talking about me
像聊起一個好朋友 還是心也這樣亂跳
Would he mention me as if I'm a good friend or would his heart beat crazily like mine
妳說他 會不會 也很想知道
You said would he really want to know
我未完的心事 要不要先預告
My unfinished thoughts, should I tell him a little

妳說他 會不會有 太多好朋友
You said he would have a lot of good friends
我只是當中的一個 還是當中的那一個
Am I only one of them, or that special one among them
妳說他 到底會 怎樣談起我
You said how would he talk about me
聲音溫不溫柔 眼裡閃不閃爍
Would his voice be gentle and soft? Would his eyes glimmer?
心事寂不寂寞 好像現在的我
Was he lonely and worried, just like me

Saturday, July 25, 2015

畢書盡 Bii - Love More

一個人 只有心動 MAYBE
With one person, there’s only emptiness, maybe
兩個人 才是感動 BABY
Only with two people is there feeling, baby
喜歡了 愛你想你要你 非你不可
Since I like you, I love you, miss you, want you. I can’t be without you.

一顆心等於 NO MORE 可是呢
One heart means no more, but
兩顆心等於 LOVE MORE 所以呢
Two hearts mean love more, so
喜歡了 趁現在 我想要大聲的
Since I like you, I want to take the time now to loudly say

Love is love more
Isn’t love just love more?
對你 一百個理由
I gave you a hundred reasons
But I lost to your one smile
迷戀你眼睛 彩色漩渦
I am infatuated with your eyes, full of color
需要你 사랑해 I LOVE YOU
I need you, I love you, I love you

一顆心等於 NO MORE 可是呢
One heart means no more, but
兩顆心等於 LOVE MORE 所以呢
Two hearts mean love more, so
喜歡了 趁現在 我想要大聲的
Since I like you, I want to take the time now to loudly say
Love is love more
Isn’t love just love more?
對你 一百個理由
I gave you a hundred reasons
But I lost to your one smile
迷戀你眼睛 彩色漩渦
I am infatuated with your eyes, full of color
需要你 사랑해
I need you, I love you

Love is love more
Isn’t love just love more?
不囉 一百個行動
I won’t be wordy. One hundred actions
Just for you to tell me you love me
渴望你手心 溫柔宇宙
Longing for your hand and heart, a warm universe
我要你 사랑해 I Love You
I need you, I love you, I love you

LOVE MORE 싫은말 미운말 내일해
Love more, say all the hateful and unpleasant words tomorrow
NEED MORE 사랑한단 말은 지금해
Need more words of love, say them now
그저 나만 믿어 항상 옆에 있을게
Just believe that I’ll always be by your side
그대만 볼게
I’ll always look only at you

Love is love more
Isn’t love just love more?
對你 一百個理由
I gave you a hundred reasons
But I lost to your one smile
迷戀你眼睛 彩色漩渦
I am infatuated with your eyes, full of color
需要你 사랑해
I need you, I love you

Love is love more
Isn’t love just love more?
不囉 一百個行動
I won’t be wordy. One hundred actions
Just for you to tell me you love me
渴望你手心 溫柔宇宙
Longing for your hand and heart, a warm universe
我要你 사랑해 I LOVE YOU
I want you, I love you, I love you

Saturday, July 4, 2015

原子邦妮 Astro Bunny - 被你遺忘的森林 The Forest You've Forgotten

当冷冷的风 吹过我的 耳朵
Just like the bitter cold breeze that prickles my ears
我不管 任由他 冰冻
I disregard the coldness that lingers
当过去的你 透过回忆 触碰
When the you that I once knew intrude my memories,
Where we are
Where we are
只剩下 沉默
All that remains of us now is silence

为何 我还在这里
How come I’m still here?
被你 遗忘的森林
The forest forgotten by you
Zero degree air
Freezing up the courage to leave
没有谁 能够代替
Don’t have anyone to be able to replace
到现在 我还是想着你
Till now, I am still thinking about you

How come I'm still here?
徘徊 在你的
Pacing through your past
The past events like dreams
Possessing the night’s beauty
Flipping past the lonely mountain
每一天 还是想着
Every day, I am still thinking about you

当黑色的云 流浪缱绻 
When the dark cloud, wandering and tempting the branches
光与虹 剩下我 捕捉
The light and rainbow, leaving me behind to catch up
现在的 关上回 
I fell in time’s dessert
只剩下 沉默
Only left behind silence

How come I’m still here?
被你 遗忘的森
The forest forgotten by you
Zero degree air
Freezing up the courage to leave
没有 够代
Don’t have anyone to be able to replace
Till now, I am still thinking about you

How come I’m still here?
徘徊 在你的
Pacing through your past
The past events like dreams
Possessing the night’s beauty
Flipping past the lonely mountain
每一天 还是想着
Every day, I am still thinking about you

How come I’m still here?
The forest you've forgotten

Zero degree air
Freezing up the courage to leave
Don’t have anyone to be able to replace
Till now, I am still thinking about you

How come I’m still here?
徘徊 在你的
Pacing through your past
The past events like dreams
Possessing the night’s beauty
Flipping past the lonely mountain

每一天 还是想着
Every day, I am still thinking about you