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Friday, December 19, 2014

八三夭 831 - 我怎麼哭了 Why I Cried

和朋友 一如 往常 唱唱K歌
Singing KTV songs with friends as usual
下一攤 宵夜 火鍋 吃吃喝喝
Next stall, stay up late, eat hotpot and drink
那狂歡 一成 不變  一樣快快樂樂
That carnival hasn't changed, happy as it usually is
一樣失真的 夜晚和 清晨
Distorted nights and early mornings

那生活 勉強還能 自得其樂
That kind of life, I'm barely able to enjoy itself
而關上燈 獨自一人
When the lights are off, I'm alone
嘴角笑著 眼眶 為何溼了
I'm smiling at the corner of my mouth yet why am I crying

Why am I crying?
當我偶然想起了 想起有你的時刻
When I think of you, I suddenly remember all the times I spent with you
哼起你最愛的歌 點了你愛的菜色
Humming to your favorite song, ordering your favorite dishes
Why am I crying?
明明撫平了傷痕 好好過我的人生
Even though I healed my scars, and moved on with my life
絕不是 因為你那 無心一句 最近如何
Not because of your heartless remark, 'how are you recently'

那孤單 其實 沒有 想像殘忍
Being alone isn't as bad as I imagined
找個人 逛街 玩樂 都是選擇
I can find someone to go shopping and have fun with
但睡前 那句 晚安 我該對誰說呢
But before going to bed, who can I say goodnight to
一想到這 心就 不堪負荷
The thought of this makes my heartache

那生活 勉強還能 自得其樂
That kind of life, I'm barely able to enjoy itself
而關上燈 獨自一人
When the lights are off, I'm alone
誰會在乎 我的 喜怒哀樂
Who will care about my emotions

Why am I crying?
當我偶然想起了 想起有你的時刻
When I think of you, I suddenly remember all the times I spent with you
一起看過的景色 還沒實現的旅程
The sceneries that we've seen together, the journeys that have yet to begin
Why am I crying?
明明撫平了傷痕 好好過我的人生
Even though I healed my scars, and moved on with my life
絕不是 又想起了 我們曾相許的永恆
I will never think of it again, the promise we made to be together forever

I will not cry anymore
當我漸漸習慣了 習慣偽裝著快樂
When I just got used to it, used to pretending to be happy
習慣再愛一個人 就算不那麼狂熱
I am used to loving someone even if I am not so fanatical
Who are you loving?
要比我們更深刻 完成我們未完成
You must be more profound, complete what we couldn't finish
為你的 幸福犧牲 也算愛的 一種美德
Sacrificing for your happiness is also a virtue of love

我衷心 祝福你的 可是我卻 怎麼哭了
I sincerely wish you the best but why am I still crying

Sunday, September 21, 2014

周興哲 Eric - 以後別做朋友 Let's Not Be Friends Anymore

I am used to you sharing the details about your life
I am afraid of destroying the perfect balance
Keeping a distance, a heart's distance
So you can't hear my loneliness

I walk to the past as you fly towards the future
Met the right person but missed the chance to be together
Clearly you are already standing right in front of me
But I keep waving and saying goodbye

以後別做朋友 朋友不能牽手
Let's not be friends anymore, because friends can't hold hands
想愛你的衝動 我只能笑著帶過
The impulse to love you, I can only smile and let it go
最好的朋友 有些夢 不能說出
As a best friend, there are some dreams which can't be told
就不用承擔 會失去你的心痛
Then I don't have to bear the heartache of losing you

Drawing a safe boundary in the sky
No one is allowed to shed tears for us
Giving up the chance to really love someone
I wanted to see you happy forever

以後別做朋友 朋友不能牽手
Let's not be friends anymore, because friends can't hold hands
想愛你的衝動 我只能笑著帶過
The impulse to love you, I can only smile and let it go
最好的朋友 有些夢 不能說出
As a best friend, there are some dreams which can't be told
就不用承擔 會失去你的心痛
Then I don't have to bear the heartache of losing you

忍住失控 太折磨 我自作自受
It’s so torturing to control myself as I’m about to breakdown, this is my own fault
回憶都是我 好不了的傷口
The past is a wound that can never be healed

以後還是朋友 還是你最懂我
We will still be friends, you are still the person who most understands me the most
我們有始有終 就走到世界盡頭
We will have a beginning and an end, until the world ends
永遠的朋友 祝福我 遇見愛以後
As my friend forever, give me your blessing, after I meet love again
不會再懦弱 緊緊握住那雙手
I will not be weak again and I will hold her hands tightly 

Friday, September 5, 2014

魔幻力量 MP - 我還是愛著你 I Still Love You

You silently crashed into my life
Silently, but unforgettably
From the first time I saw you
I fell deeply in love with you
Can you lend me one second and look at me for once
My gentleness can do anything for you 
越沉醉越沉退 越濃烈越遙遠 
The more infatuated I became, the more I retreated, the more intense the love, the further I am from you
我不怕醉 心不怕碎 只要你一眼 
I'm not scared of being drunk and my heart is not afraid of getting broken, just wanting a look from you

我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理 
I still love you, you are still being cold to me
我還是愛著你 我仍無法前進 
I still love you, I still can't seem to move on
你是我的生命 再煎熬也不能抽離  
You are my life, I can't seem to pull away no matter how torturous it may be 你的笑容聲音眼神呼吸無法忘記 
Your smile, your voice, your eyes, your breaths, I am unable to forget it all

我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理
I still love you, you are still being cold to me 我還是愛著你 看不見我的你 
I still love you, you who can't seem to notice me 你是我的秘密 再透明也不能說明 
You are my secret, as clear as it is, I can't explain 終究只是意外只准心酸只能遺憾
After all, it's just an accident, only letting my heart feel sadness and regret 我還是愛著你 
I still love you

Has your heart ever skipped a beat because of me 就算那種曖昧只是一眼瞬間 
Even if that kind of ambiguity is only for a brief moment 越期待越失態 越依賴越貪婪 
The more I anticipated the more I lost my manners, the more I relied on, the more greedy I got
為你燦爛 為你蹣跚 直到了無遺憾 

I am willing to shine for you, stumble for you, until I'm left with no regrets 我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理 

我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理 
I still love you, you are still being cold to me
我還是愛著你 我仍無法前進 
I still love you, I still can't seem to move on
你是我的生命 再煎熬也不能抽離  
You are my life, I can't seem to pull away no matter how torturous it may be你的笑容聲音眼神呼吸無法忘記 
Your smile, your voice, your eyes, your breaths, I am unable to forget it all
我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理
I still love you, you are still being cold to me我還是愛著你 看不見我的你 
I still love you, you who can't seem to notice me你是我的秘密 再透明也不能說明 
You are my secret, as clear as it is, I can't explain終究只是意外只准心酸只能遺憾
After all, it's just an accident, only letting my heart feel sadness and regret我還是愛著你 
I still love you

我還是愛著你 你還是冷處理

I still love you, you are still being cold to me
我還是愛著你 想牽走你的心 
I still love you, I want to take your heart away 你是我的奇蹟 心碎後的淒美餘音 
You are my miracle, the bittersweet resonance after my heart has broken

After all, it's just an accident, only letting my heart feel sadness and regret
I still love you

Friday, May 23, 2014

陳彥允 Ian Chen - 基因決定我愛你 Gene Says I Love You

You always ask why I love you
I can never tell you a reason
maybe because of your bad luck
Maybe because I owe you from a previous life

You always ask why I am naughty
I say it is because you are too mischievous
That’s why we know and care for each other
A chance encounter and then we fall in love, now I finally believe

It is the gene that determines, determines that I will love you
I know its super cheesy, but now I know for sure
Every nerve transmits for you
Sending and receiving love telegrams

I was meant to love you
this type of old-fashioned story is my 
Every scene is (specifically) designed for you
turning into your most (most most most) favorite romance

You always ask why I am naughty
I say it is because you are too mischievous
That’s why we know and care for each other
A chance encounter and then we fall in love, now I finally believe

It is the gene that determines, determines that I will love you
I know its super cheesy, but now I know for sure
Every nerve transmits for you
Sending and receiving love telegrams

I was meant to love you
this type of old-fashioned story is my favorite
Every scene is (specifically) designed for you
turning into your most (most most most) favorite 