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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

金莎 Jin Sha - 大小姐 Missy

还少了一双鞋 跟包包做搭配
I still have a pair of shoes to match with the bag
镜要够黑 明星感觉
Glasses should be black enough to give off the feeling of a star

做好随时准备 我临时想逛街
Be ready, I want to go shopping temporarily 
就除了你 什么都缺
Besides you, nothing is missing

再六个月 可能会下起雪
It may snow for another six months
I want to change the boots at that time

你要疼我宠我因为我是 大小姐
You want to take care of me, spoil me, because I am missy
过这不代表我会爱你 多一些
But this doesn't mean I will love you more
说永远不变我是你的 大小姐
You say that you will never change, I am your missy
所以我想考考你对我有 多坚决
So I want to test how determined you are to chase after me

突然不很想睡 去帮我买宵夜

Suddenly, I don't want to sleep a lot, go help me buy food tonight
牛肉不要带血 羊肉要肥
Beef doesn't need blood, mutton needs fat

在朋友的聚会 不要叫我宝贝
At a party with friends, don't call me baby
老炫耀我是 你的谁
Always show off, who do you think I am

再六个月 可能会下起雪
It may snow for another six months
I want to change the boots at that time

你要疼我宠我因为我是 大小姐
You want to take care of me, spoil me, because I am missy
过这不代表我会爱你 多一些
But this doesn't mean I will love you more
说永远不变我是你的 大小姐
You say that you will never change, I am your missy
所以我想考考你对我有 多坚决
So I want to test how determined you are to chase after me

爱情的世界总是不能满足 不到位

The world of love is always not satisfied
So in reality, try to be more perfect
看时光匆匆转眼瞬闪而过  一如流水
Watching the time, rushing, blinking flashing, like running water
Do not waste the time

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