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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

梁靜茹 Fish Leong - 可惜不是你 Unfortunately Not You

这一刻 突然觉得好熟
This very moment suddenly feels so familiar
像昨天 今天同时在放
Like yesterday was happening all over again
这句语气 原来好像你
The way I speak, sounds like something you would say
It is not just evidence that I loved you
差一点 骗了自己骗了
I almost cheated myself and cheated you
To love and be loves is not always equally the same
I know that being loved is a kind of luck
But I'm not ready to give myself to you

I tried to change for you
变不了 预留的浮现
But I couldn't change the predetermined storyline
为在你身边 那也算永
I thought I would be by your side forever
As if it will still yesterday
可是昨天 已非常遥
But yesterday seems like ages ago
闭上双眼 还看得见
But when I close my eyes, I can still see it

可惜不是你 陪我到最後
Unfortunately, it's not you accompanying me until the end
We once walked together but met a dead end
谢那是你 牵过我的
I thank you for having held my hand
I can still feel the warmth

那一段 们曾心贴着
There was a time when it was true love
I thought I had the right to care for you
可能你 已走进别人风
Maybe you have already entered someone else's world
多希望 也有 星光的投影
How I wish I could be projected by the starlight too

I tried to change for you
变不了 预留的浮现
But I couldn't change the predetermined storyline
为在你身边 那也算永
I thought I would be by your side forever
As if it will still yesterday
可是昨天 已非常遥
But yesterday seems like ages ago
闭上双眼 还看得见
But when I close my eyes, I can still see it

可惜不是你 陪我到最後
Unfortunately, it's not you accompanying me until the end
We once walked together but met a dead end
谢那是你 牵过我的
I thank you for having held my hand
I can still feel the warmth

可惜不是你 陪我到最後
Unfortunately, it's not you accompanying me until the end
We once walked together but met a dead end
谢那是你 牵过我的
I thank you for having held my hand
I can still feel the warmth

谢那是你 牵过我的
I thank you for having held my hand
For it can still warm my heart

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