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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

陳芳語 Kimberley - 愛你 Love You

我閉上眼睛 貼著你心跳呼吸
I close my eyes and come close, listening to your heartbeat and breaths
而此刻地球 只剩我們而已
At the moment, it's as if it was only us left on earth
你微笑的唇型 總勾著我的心
Your smile makes my heart skip a beat
每一秒初吻 我每一秒都想要吻你
Every kiss seems to be like the first, I want to kiss you every second

就這樣 愛你愛你愛你 隨時都要一起
So that's it loving you, loving you, loving you, I want to always be together
我喜歡 愛你外套味道 還有你的懷裡
I like loving you, the smell of your jacket and your scent as well as your embrace
把我們 衣服鈕扣互扣 那就不用分離
Let's put on our clothes and button each other up, we never have to be apart
美好愛情 我就愛這樣貼近 因為你
Wonderful love, I just love this kind of closeness to you

有時沒生氣 故意鬧脾氣
Sometimes I pretend to be angry but I'm actually not
你的緊張在意 讓我覺得安心
Your nervousness makes me feel at ease
從你某個角度 我總看見自己
From a certain angle of you, I always see myself
到底你懂我 或其實我本來就像你
Does it mean you know me or is it because we are alike

就這樣 愛你愛你愛你 隨時都要一起
So that's it loving you, loving you, loving you, I want to always be together
我喜歡 愛你外套味道 還有你的懷裡
I like loving you, the smell of your jacket and your scent as well as your embrace
把我們 衣服鈕扣互扣 那就不用分離
Let's put on our clothes and button each other up, we never have to be apart
美好愛情 我就愛這樣貼近 因為你
Wonderful love, I just love this kind of closeness to you

想變成你的氧氣 溜進你身體裡
I want to become your oxygen and slip into your body
Take a good look at your heart
你有多麼寶貝 我愛你
You are my baby I love you

就這樣 愛你愛你愛你 隨時都要一起
So that's it loving you, loving you, loving you, I want to always be together
我喜歡 愛你外套味道 還有你的懷裡
I like loving you, the smell of your jacket and your scent as well as your embrace
把我們 衣服鈕扣互扣 那就不用分離
Let's put on our clothes and button each other up, we never have to be apart
美好愛情 我就愛這樣貼近 因為你
Wonderful love, I just love this kind of closeness to you

我們愛情 會一直沒有距離 最美麗
Our love will always have no bounds and be the most beautiful

Saturday, April 14, 2012

黃美珍 Jane - 途中 On the Way

什麼樣的愛 埋伏在未來
What kind of love is coming in the future
有一個人 正拿著號碼牌
There is a person holding a number plate
誰給我的愛 還沒有到來
Who gave me the love yet to come
可是我卻 有預感在腦海
But I have a hunch in my mind

天空就快亮起來 浮雲在為晴天剪綵
The sky is going to light up, Clouds are cutting the ribbon for sunny days
前一晚 的陰霾 已經快要被日出刷白
The haze of the previous night is almost white
我站在 地平線 看薔薇盛開的姿態
 I stand on the horizon and look at the blooming posture of the rose
我喜歡如此等待 愛
I like waiting for love like this

未來美在還是未來 我要的答案 還沒解開
The future beauty is still in the future, the answer I have is still not solved
我不要愛 來得太快 幸福太快 我招架不來
I don't want love to come too fast, I can't hold it if happiness is here too quick
天堂還在荒野之外 途中的意外 都是安排
Heaven is still outside the wilderness, the accidents on the way are all arranged
我想像愛 到來 那一定會 一定會 很精彩
I think that the love will come, it will definitely be wonderful
有一種愛 一種愛 一種愛 一種愛 真的 存在
There is one kind of love, one kind of love, one kind of love, that truly exists 

累了就看看窗外 風景被我視線裝載
Look out the window when you're tired, the scenery is loaded in my sight
美麗的 好心情 有種說不出口的愉快
A beautiful, nice mood, there's a happiness that can't be expressed in words
我站在 路途中 等 一個美好的時代
I am standing on the way, waiting for a beautiful time
到現在還在等待 愛
Now, I am still waiting for love

未來美在還是未來 我要的答案 還沒解開
The future beauty is still in the future, the answer I have is still not solved
我不要愛 來得太快 幸福太快 我招架不來
I don't want love to come too fast, I can't hold it if happiness is here too quick
天堂還在荒野之外 途中的意外 都是安排
Heaven is still outside the wilderness, the accidents on the way are all arranged
我想像愛 到來 那一定會 一定會 很精彩
I think that the love will come, it will definitely be wonderful
有一種愛 一種愛 一種愛 一種愛 真的 存在
There is one kind of love, one kind of love, one kind of love, that truly exists 

看一遍 我身後的荒野
Look over the wilderness behind me
才發現 我又往前跨越
Just discovered, I'm crossing again
不怕前面 還有多少試煉
I don't care how many challenges are ahead of me
一直走 總會走到 終點
Keep going straight until you reach the finish line

未來美在還是未來 我要的答案 還沒解開
The future beauty is still in the future, the answer I have is still not solved
我不要愛 來得太快 幸福太快 我招架不來
I don't want love to come too fast, I can't hold it if happiness is here too quick
天堂還在荒野之外 途中的意外 都是安排
Heaven is still outside the wilderness, the accidents on the way are all arranged
我想像愛 到來 那一定會 一定會 很精彩
I think that the love will come, it will definitely be wonderful
有一種愛 一種愛 一種愛 一種愛 真的 存在
There is one kind of love, one kind of love, one kind of love, that truly exists 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

金莎 Jin Sha - 大小姐 Missy

还少了一双鞋 跟包包做搭配
I still have a pair of shoes to match with the bag
镜要够黑 明星感觉
Glasses should be black enough to give off the feeling of a star

做好随时准备 我临时想逛街
Be ready, I want to go shopping temporarily 
就除了你 什么都缺
Besides you, nothing is missing

再六个月 可能会下起雪
It may snow for another six months
I want to change the boots at that time

你要疼我宠我因为我是 大小姐
You want to take care of me, spoil me, because I am missy
过这不代表我会爱你 多一些
But this doesn't mean I will love you more
说永远不变我是你的 大小姐
You say that you will never change, I am your missy
所以我想考考你对我有 多坚决
So I want to test how determined you are to chase after me

突然不很想睡 去帮我买宵夜

Suddenly, I don't want to sleep a lot, go help me buy food tonight
牛肉不要带血 羊肉要肥
Beef doesn't need blood, mutton needs fat

在朋友的聚会 不要叫我宝贝
At a party with friends, don't call me baby
老炫耀我是 你的谁
Always show off, who do you think I am

再六个月 可能会下起雪
It may snow for another six months
I want to change the boots at that time

你要疼我宠我因为我是 大小姐
You want to take care of me, spoil me, because I am missy
过这不代表我会爱你 多一些
But this doesn't mean I will love you more
说永远不变我是你的 大小姐
You say that you will never change, I am your missy
所以我想考考你对我有 多坚决
So I want to test how determined you are to chase after me

爱情的世界总是不能满足 不到位

The world of love is always not satisfied
So in reality, try to be more perfect
看时光匆匆转眼瞬闪而过  一如流水
Watching the time, rushing, blinking flashing, like running water
Do not waste the time