是你在那個雨季 走進我生命
It was you who appeared into my life during that rainy season
Looking a bit willful and lost
是你在那個雨季 趕走了孤寂
You drove away the loneliness during that rainy season
Your warm hands melted my toughness
天上億萬顆星星 我卻只看見妳
There are 10,000 stars in the sky but I can only look at you
要說這是幸運 還是不可思議
Whether to say this is lucky or incredible or is it because of you
身邊有太多風景 我卻停在這裡
There are too many scenery around me but I stopped here
說我傻得可以 還不是因為你
Saying I can be this silly because of you
是你的聲音 帶給我勇氣
Your voice brings me courage
戀愛的頻率 直達我心底
The melody of love reaches my heart
如果你願意 是的我願意
If you're willing to accept, yes, I will
Come be my happy melody
Come be my happy melody
從前都是謎 現在我相信
It used to be a mystery but now I believe
天空會放晴 愛會更甜蜜
The sky will be clearer, the love will be sweeter
如果你願意 是的我願意
If you're willing to accept, yes, I will
愛的主旋律 永遠唱下去
The melody of love will be sung forever