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Friday, October 13, 2017

方泂鑌 A-Bin - 最笨的人是我 The Fool

 時光真的能倒流 彌補犯的錯
If we can really turn back time and correct our past mistakes
Please meet with me again
能做我都做 說的都說 
I’ll do what I can say, what I should say until I can’t say it anymore
把傷害 讓我全部回收
Take back all the pain I've caused

 沒有狠狠地傷透 人不會想通 
If I didn’t coldly hurt you, people wouldn’t realize
趁早學會坦白 就不用愧疚 
Strike while the kettle is hot and be honest, then you won’t feel guilty
Be more loving and gentle earlier
就不會 又讓你 淚流 
Then I wouldn’t cause your tears to flow again

時間讓堅強 脆弱 
Time causes strength to weaken
最笨的人頑固 爭愛的對錯 
The stupidest person is stubborn, loving to fight over right and wrong
Actually that type of person is me

都怪我 軟弱 偽裝 逞強 放開你的手
Blame it all on me for being weak,  pretending to be strong, letting go of your hand
都怪我 直到 錯過 才懂 千真萬確愛過
Blame it all on me,  until I miss it and then know that I had truly loved
多希望時間能倒流 會再有以後 
How I wish that time can rewind so that we can still have a future
再給我 一秒鐘 再回到 你心中 
Just give me another second to return into your heart

我願用 每年 每天 每分 把錯都認過 
I’m willing to use every year every day every minute to confess my wrongs
我願用 餘生 與你 相擁 不再讓你走
I’m willing to use the rest of my life to embrace you, not letting you go again
若一切再從頭 不會再放開手 
If I can start everything over, I won't let you go again
請給我 再一次 愛著妳 不保留 
Please give me another chance to love you without holding back

時間讓堅強 脆弱 
Time causes strength to weaken
最笨的人頑固 爭愛的對錯 
The stupidest person is stubborn, loving to fight over right and wrong
Actually that type of person is me

都怪我 軟弱 偽裝 逞強 放開你的手
Blame it all on me for being weak, pretending to be strong, letting go of your hand
都怪我 直到 錯過 才懂 千真萬確愛過
Blame it all on me, until I miss it and then know that I had truly loved
多希望時間能倒流 會再有以後 
How I wish that time can rewind so that we can still have a future
再給我 一秒鐘 再回到 你心中 
Just give me another second to return into your heart

我願用 每年 每天 每分 把錯都認過 
I’m willing to use every year every day every minute to confess my wrongs
我願用 餘生 與你 相擁 不再讓你走
I’m willing to use the rest of my life to embrace you, not letting you go again
若一切再從頭 不會再放開手 
If I can start everything over, I won't let you go again
請給我 再一次 愛著妳 不保留 
Please give me another chance to love you without holding back

都怪我 軟弱 偽裝 逞強 放開你的手
Blame it all on me for being weak, pretending to be strong, letting go of your hand
都怪我 直到 錯過 才懂 千真萬確愛過
Blame it all on me, until I miss it and then know that I had truly loved
多希望時間能倒流 會再有以後 
How I wish that time can rewind so that we can still have a future
再給我 一秒鐘 再回到 你心中 
Just give me another second to return into your heart

我願用 每年 每天 每分 把錯都認過 
I’m willing to use every year every day every minute to confess my wrongs
我願用 餘生 與你 相擁 不再讓你走
I’m willing to use the rest of my life to embrace you, not letting you go again
若一切再從頭 不會再放開手 
If I can start everything over, I won't let you go again
請給我 再一次 愛著妳 不保留 
Please give me another chance to love you without holding back